It seems as if time flies and sooner than later my alarm rings for lunch.

"Mandy I'm off to lunch, see you at one." I call to my best friend and coworker.

Moments later I arrive at Ciao Bistro to see him already seated at a table.

"Hey over here Katana!" He shouts over the loud speakers.

I walk over to Jay who was standing with his arms ready for a hug which I gladly accepted.

We both sat down and ordered drinks before he starts to speak.

"So Miss Katana, what do your days consist of?"

"Well as you already know I work at Nordstrom's and I'm also in my last year of college at NYU to become a doctor."

"Nice my father went to NYU. Well I'm a lawyer."

"Is that all?" I ask honestly.

"Well. Yeah I guess so." He says nodding.

"What makes you get up in the morning? What makes you happy?"I ask.

He looks at me and smiles. It was a sad smile, the kind that makes you wonder if the Jay you see in magazines and newspapers is a fraud.

"I don't really know. I mean, sure I wake when the alarm rings, but it's out of routine not wanting to. What about you?"

I consider it for a second and really search for an answer but I kept coming up short.

"I honestly can't tell you."

For thirty minutes we spoke about everything from our families to fears. I learned about his fear of failure and my fear of being rejected. He told me about his obsession with chocolate,
which I laughed at because he seemed very fit, but the guy would jump for rocky road ice cream. We also talked about politics, which got a little heated.

"Katana I want to ask you about something? And you can totally say no if you feel like."

I nod for him to continue.

"Well like I said earlier, I suck in the love department but I like you a lot. I have everything I want and could ask for but no one to share it all with. I would like to know if you'd like to be my companion."

The word companion made me laugh, it was like asking if I'd like to be his playmate or puppy.


"Partner. Friend. All synonymous. You can have whatever you like. No strings attached, I'll even pay for the rest of your tuition."

"What's in it for you?" I ask honestly.

"A partner and someone to take along to parties and other events."

I consider it all and decide that maybe the perks were to good to pass up on.

"I'll do it."

"Great! All I ask is that you keep your self looking like you looking." He says smiling and standing up to hug me.

We both walked out of the bistro and as I was about to walk back to work but instead he pulls me the other way.

"Where are we going?" I shout.


It had been two weeks since Jay and I had made our arrangement and things had changed quite drastically for me. Jay moved me into his upstate penthouse which could easily house thirty people but had the honors of holding only the two of us. I was still in college with only a month left and Jay had announced that he would indeed run for mayor which meant I'd have to help.

Currently we were having lunch at La Beau in Manhattan with his father and sister.

"Katana I hear you only have a month left in college. Correct?" His father asks taking a sip of his whiskey.

"Yes sir. That's correct." I reply.

Jay and his father were spitting images and both held a certain Ovard charm. His fathers gray, almost white, hair was neatly combed as well as his mustache. He was wearing a nice black suit with a blackberry attached to his hand.

"Wow that's really awesome! Are you planning on staying in New York afterwards?" Jay's sister, Jessica, asks.

"Yeah I actually am!" I say smiling at her.

Jessica is a power hungry senior in high school taking all honors, playing three varsity sports, and was already planning to take six years of college so she could efficiency take over her grandfathers oil company.

"That's really nice. What's NYU like?" Jessica ask.

I tell her and we both become immersed in our own conversation while the men carry on with their own. As we began to leave Jays father pulls me aside.

"Katana I think you're a wonderful girl and I think you'd be incredible for my son but I don't think this little arrangement between the two of you is very smart."

I nod signaling him to continue.

"My son can be very foolish at times and while in his head believes he doesn't want or isn't ready for a relationship, he's human and I can tell that he's very well attracted to you."

"Mr. Ovard I would never do anything to hurt Jay. If he ever wants to move on that would be fine and I'm sure vice versa." I reply honestly.

"But would it really be okay between the two of you? Would you really be so quick to give him up? Or him to you?" He asks giving me a sad smile already knowing the answer.

"I understand." I reply.

"Good." He pulls me into a quick hug, patting my back, and walks out while I go to find Jay.

Things had escalated quite quickly when we reached Jays home, which he insist I call ours.

"Katana, I have no plans on leaving. My father tends to talk without thinking of the damage." He says placing his hands on my face.

I look up at him and that's when it hit me. I had only known Jay two weeks and I had already began to love him. I had already began to mirror his actions and love his voice.

"I just want you to know that it's okay if you choose to date someone. We aren't together. I'm your companion and you pay for my college and take me places. That's all." I reply removing his hands replaying how ridiculous all of it sounds.

"Okay then." He turns away from me for a second and then turns back around and did the unexpected.

He kisses me.

The kiss was soft and passionate but it soon turned heated which led him to laying me upon his bed all while removing my shirt which I gladly allowed him to.

He quickly re-attaches his lips and begins planting kisses along my face and down my throat until he found a soft spot in the nape of my neck which caused me to moan and tilt my head so that he could have better access. Just as he was about to undo my bra his phone began ringing and vibrating violently.

"Hello?" He says into his phone with slight agitation in his voice, after a few minutes he hung up and looked over at me.

"K, I'm gonna have to call this short. The office needs me." He says kissing me which I hungrily replied to.

He sighs before climbing back on top of me while I pull him down further and remove my bra.

"Just a little longer." I say my own actions surprising myself.

He growls and kisses me again before finishing what he started.


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