29. testing the limits

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"Cleaning up the mess."

Spencer tilted his head back slightly as you continued to lick the syrup off of his chest. He felt blood rush to his lower extremities, and became slightly nervous.

"What has gotten into yo-"

You placed a hand over his mouth, continuing to kiss his defined muscles.

The team was on the front deck, which would make it impossible for them to see the two of you unless they looked over the top balcony, or walked down the deck stairs

Your lips lingered dangerously close to the band of his swim trunks, and you pulled away, smiling innocently.

"There. All clean."

Spencer held your hips down against his. "You can't just-" He swallowed the lump in his throat and continued. "You can't just s-stop now y/n.."

You ran your hands down the sides of his arms, giggling softly. "Yes. I can."

You heard sandals scuffing down the stairs, and sprung off of his lap, sitting in the chair beside Spencer's. "Cover your dick." You whispered, adjusting your sunglasses as you saw Derek turn the corner.

Your lips and tongue were blue, but luckily Spencer didn't have any blue coloring left on him. What remained was the sticky syrup residue across his chest and abdomen.

"Hey kids, Rossi.." Derek narrowed his eyes as he looked at the two of you, but quickly lost interest in your seemingly normal positions. "Rossi said that we've arrived at the first diving site. Just come to the front deck when you'd like to get your gear."

You smiled up at him and nodded. "Okay! Thank you, Derek."

Spencer continued to strategically hold his towel and book over his lap, not saying much. He would give it away the moment he would speak.

"No problem, Sugar." Morgan turned to Spencer and nodded a 'sup' to him before returning up the stairs.

"Well.. I'm going to go get ready. Maybe you should.. Fix your problem.. And then meet me up there?" You kissed Spencer's lips, pulling his bottom lip softly with your teeth. "See you."

You sauntered over to the staircase and looked back at his aroused and frustrated stature, smirking at him.

Work well done.

You arrived at the front deck, greeting Penelope and JJ.

"Hey! I feel like I haven't seen you two in forever." You gasped, wrapping the two in a tight hug.

"I feel like you and Spencer are attached at the hip or something! We haven't been able to do any girl days." JJ frowned, adjusting her goggles.

You put on a pair of goggles yourself, untucking your hair from under the rubbery straps. "It's just been hard. I hope you guys haven't had too much fun without me?"

"Don't worry about it, y/n. Spencer is a great guy, you deserve a little more man-time in your schedule."

You blushed a little and scoffed. "Penny! I'd like to say the same about you. What's up with Kevin? Is that going anywhere? Or are you thinking about finally giving Morgan a test run?"

JJ nodded along eagerly, hoping Penelope would spill her secrets.

Penny tightened her pigtails and sheepishly grinned.

"Morgan and I may have canoodled a little the other night. A little! Shit.. Here he comes. Shut your faces!" She squeaked.

Oh. My. God.

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