phascolarctos cinereus.

423 20 18

(found a drawing on insta and it's so cute so i got an idea) also this is a repost cause i fixed some stuff ^


Now, there's something weird about Brett that Eddy had always wondered about. He doesn't let anyone inside his room when he's asleep, even his own brother. It was just one time when they went to one bed together for a sleepover at Brett's home. And, he doesn't talk that much to anyone. So that when they became friends, he was glad he could make Brett speak up. He doesn't know the secret behind him though.

But he would like to know.

All that he knew was his family told him about the history of shapeshifters. His grandfather and mother was always teaching everyone about mythology, more specifically, they tend to be interested in shapeshifting, it's the ability to physically transform through an inherently superhuman ability, sorcery, spells or having inherited the ability. He heard about the wolves and vampires, those creatures must be the most popular shapeshifting creatures.

And another thing is that, Brett's family had also been creepy for him. When he stayed there for one night, he could hear low growls from other rooms, he told Brett about it but Brett told him to ignore, it must be their pets. Their pets are marsupials. It makes him think more.

He took note of the branch of a tree in Brett's room. He figured it was just for Brett's koala. The thing is, he haven't seen the koala. Ever. When he had that sleep over, Brett told him his parents took his pet koala away to not be aggressive towards Eddy. They told him it will cause so much trouble so he agreed.

There are so many weird things Eddy can't comprehend. But he knew something was up, he just couldn't put a finger on it.

Whenever he was hanging out with Brett, he smelled like fresh scent of leaves. Hmm, he had been eating so many vegetables. And leaves. And sometimes, they would be late in orchestras because Brett is such a sleepy head. Even if he is loaded with school works and everything, he would always choose to sleep. What he loved the most is, when he's feeling down, Brett would give him the biggest and the most softest hug ever and he would feel better. He always gives the best hugs, it's adorable.

But that moment, that moment. He accidentally knew.

He was playing his Bach Jesu Joy. He loved it so much, it sounds so calm, sounds like an angel singing. His playing was stopped when someone knocked. He yelled, "Just a sec." The knocking stopped and he put his violin down, wiped the rosin off the wood and undid his bow. He rushed to open the door, only to see a Brett wearing gray plain shirt and black jeans.

"Are you okay?" Eddy asked.

"Uh- Can I please stay here just this once?" Brett lowered his head. My, this is quite unusual. Brett never asked him about that before.

Eddy moved out of the way and gestured for him to come in. He shut the door behind them and prepared a glass of water for Brett. The other man automatically sunk down on the couch. He grabbed the pillow and burried his nose, he just wanted to sleep, to get all the negative things away from him. He wants to wrap himself in a blanket like a burrito and ignore the world all day and sleep.

Eddy was about to call his attention when he noticed Brett asleep on his couch, nose burried on his favorite pillow. Eddy smiled and put the glass of water down without saying anything. Maybe Brett just needs his beauty rest. He frowned when something lit up in Brett's chest. Huh? Maybe his phone. But why would his phone be there. And not to mention, the light is bright yellow, almost look like the sun's shine.

He studied the sleepy Brett. His eyelashes resting perfectly on his rosy, plump cheeks. That's all he could think. He resisted the urge to pinch his cheeks, he wondered if it would be as fluffy as he thought.

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