Chapter 5- The Plan

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You and Sokka made it back to the main area where Jet had called for a feast. Katara looked at you two suspiciously as you sat down next to Aang. You and Sokka gave Katara a nervous smile which made her more confused.

"Remember the plan" He whispered into your ear. You nodded, a sense of unease growing in the pit of your stomach.

" Today we are celebrating our victory against the fire nation swine!'' Jet began with his speech, you rolled your eyes but Jet saw it. You smiled the best smile that you could. You call it your 'you are going down but i'm faking right now' smile. He smirked as he continued and you fought down the urge to vomit.

''The fire nation think they don't have to worried about some stupid kids hiding in the trees. Maybe they are right...'' He took a break to sip his drink, everyone on the team started booing

'' or maybe,They are dead wrong!''he yelled causing everyone cheered and hollered.

''Nice speech Jet'' Katara complimented, fluttering her eyelashes at him. He let out a chuckle at her attempt of flirting.

'' Thanks, by the way you and Aang did a great job this morning beating the fire guys up!'' Katara's face flushes a deep red.

'' Of course he did a great job cause he's the avatar but honestly I need more training' 'She admitted. You looked at her with pity as you remembered what was going to happen to her as well as the conversion that the two of you had when you first met. Watching the show was completely different than actually being in it. Now that you have developed relationships with the characters that you admired you could see what they were going through more than you could through a screen. You just wanted to hug the poor girl and tell her that everything was alright.

'' I think you and Aang help to solve our struggle...'' Jet tried to explain but Sokka cut him off by saying

'' but we have no time cause we have to leave tonight.'' Sokka stood up, walked away and heard Jet saying

'' You're kidding me, I need you for an important mission tomorrow" Sokka's ears perked up at the thought of being needed for something.

"I'll only go if Y/n can come too" You wished that you could have punched him in his stupid mouth right there and then. Sokka could practically feel your anger radiating off of you. He crossed his arms and gave you a look that made you sigh in defeat. Jet watched this exchange with an unreadable expression.

"Of course she can come if she's up for it" He turned to you patiently waiting for an answer.

"Y-Yeah sure" You stuttered out. You cursed yourself mentally for looking weak in front of them.

The next morning you and Sokka figured it out this was your chance to take advantage of Jet to know the truth. You were on the trees so you can see everything perfectly. You, Sokka and a few of the freedom fighters were waiting silently for a fire bender to pass by. Sokka stuck a knife into a tree and pressed his ear against it. Jet looked at him like he was crazy.

"What the hell are you doing?" He whispered.

"I can hear the vibrations better" Sokka stated as if it was common knowledge. Jet raised an eyebrow, impressed by Sokka's thinking. You could tell Sokka was about to say something when you catch a glimpse of red coming close. You signaled the team and they jumped down scaring the poor old man.

"It's just an old man, we should let him pass" You tried to reason with them. Jet glared at you with fire in his eyes.

"Are you joking? This man is a killer! He is fire nation, we have to punish him and send a message back that we shouldn't be messed with" Venom laced his tone but you didn't back down. You returned his glare if not even more intense. Sokka even glanced at you suspiciously but you could see he was thinking the same as you.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2020 ⏰

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