Chapter 4- The Freedom Fighters

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"If you let us go we won't hurt you" You facepalmed at Sokka's attempt at a threat. Was that really the best he had? The soldiers didn't seem to buy it at all.

"You won't hurt us?" One of the soldiers laughed in your faces.

"Nice going Sokka" You hissed, punching him in the arm. He rubbed his arm and glared at you.

"Do you have a better idea?" He replied harshly.

"I actually do, run!" You yelled as you were already booking it past the soldiers. The gaang watched you as you ran only judging you a little bit. Katara bended some water to block some of their fire attacks while Aang used his airbending to distract the soldiers. When you ran a firebender stopped in front of you

''Not so fast little girl'' the man snarled, as he was about to attack you, suddenly he collapsed on the grass. When you turned around you saw a guy in a tree, you recognized him in a second.

'' Hey, look!'' You pointed at Jet. In the next moment Jet was knocking the fire guys out and that's when the others came along helping win over the fire benders. When Jet finished the last guy he stood in front of Katara, looking in her eyes

'' ...well hello'' using his smolder on her . It made her blush

'' ...hey'' She replied shyly as they looked over the battle that just happened.

The gaang was surprised by the guys when Jet introduced himself and his freedom fighter.

'' My name is Jet and this is my freedom fighters Sneers, Longshot, Smellerbee, The Duke and Pipsqueak.''

''Pipsqueek, that's a funny name'' you say to the little guy. The little guy sniffs while the big guy answered

'' You think my name is funny?'' with a deep voice

'' It's hilarious.....'' You answered as you looked nervously at the guy but suddenly he burst into laughter and smacked you to the ground. You laugh along.

''Um thanks for saving us, Jet!'' Katara said as she walked over to him,

'' I should be thanking you. Thanks to you guys we found the right solution to knock the soldiers out. We are waiting for a plan all morning'' said Jet while Katara is annoyed

'' We were relying on instinct'' looking at her doof brother. Sokka rolled his eyes at Katara's statement. You tried hard to hide a smile that was making its way on your face. Jet glanced over to you with a smirk.

"Do you guys want to see something cool?" He said his gaze still focused on you. You shrunk under his gaze. Wasn't he supposed to be flirting with Katara? Why did it feel like you were his prey. You shook off the uneasiness and followed everyone to the hideout.

"So where is this hideout?" Sokka asked suspiciously. Jet just smirked at his question.

"Grab onto this" He handed Sokka a vine. Sokka looked at him confused.

"What-" Before he could finish the sentence he was hoisted up into the trees.

"Who's next?" Jet asked.

"I'll get up there myself" Aang huffed as he airbended himself up into the trees after Sokka.

"Well I guess that leaves you girls, grab on to me" Something about the way he said that made you feel uncomfortable. Katara didn't seem fazed one bit as she grabbed on to him excitedly. They both looked at you expectantly as you stood there.

"Is there another vine I could use? I don't want yours to snap because of me." It was a lame excuse but it was the best you could do.

"If this vine can handle Pipsqueek then it can handle the three of us" He said confidently. You gave a nervous smile as you hesitantly grabbed on to Jet. He tugged the vine a bit causing you guys to shoot up into the trees. Jet's face was so close to yours that you could feel his hot breath on the side of your face. The wind whipped your hair in your face but as fast as you got on you got off. You jumped out of Jet's hold as soon as you felt solid ground beneath you. Aang and Sokka both looked at you with a look of confusion at your action. You offered them a small smile as a way to show that you were ok. Aang seemed to buy it but Sokka was skeptical.

"Feel free to walk around the base and look around. Katara? Y/n? Would you like a tour by yours truly?" Jet winked at you and Katara. You internally scoff at his question but Katara seemed eager.

"Yes we would love a tour, right Y/n?" Her tone made it seem like it wasn't a question more of a command but you wouldn't give in.

"Actually, Me and Sokka were going to explore together" Sokka and Katara both raised an eyebrow at you.

"We were?" Sokka asked dumbfounded.

"Yes, we were" You insisted. You didn't want to be with Jet any longer than you had to be. He was a lot creepier in person at least in this episode. You dragged Sokka by his arm far away from everyone. You looked over your shoulder to make sure that Jet or the freedom fighters weren't behind you.

"Can I ask why you dragged me away from everyone? I know that I'm an extremely handsome fellow but I have to let you know that I don't see you in that way" You blushed and punched him in the arm.

"Ew no, no way I would like you that way." You said in disgust and made gagging noises to bring your point across. He rolled his eyes at your antics but a smile made its way on his face.

"But I just wanted to get away from Jet. He gives me the creeps" You shivered at the thought of being near him again.

"I see what you are saying. I don't trust him at all" He looked serious which was a rare look on him.

"What should we do Mr idea guy?" You teased but you could see the wheels turning in his head.

"He seems to have an interest in you..." You gagged but he kept going.

"You can maybe flirt back with him to find out if anything weird is going on here" He finished.

"Why can't you do it?" You complained.

"Well I don't know if you noticed but I don't think he swings that way and I don't either" He deadpanned. You laughed and he joined in a few seconds later.

"Fine I'll do it but only because I feel like something fishy is going on" You sighed in defeat.

"Speaking of fish, let's go get something to eat because i'm starving" You rolled your eyes playfully.

"When are you not?" He smacked your shoulder.

"Hey! I'm not always hungry.." He tried to defend himself but you had a knowing look in your eyes.

"Maybe not all the time.." He smirked thinking that you were admitting to being wrong.

"But, most of the time you are" You finished holding in your laughter at the look on his face.

"We should head back before they wonder where we are," Sokka suggested, changing the subject. You nodded your head and followed behind him. This was going to be one hell of a mission. 

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