Chapter 3- New Challenges

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''Pheww.. That was close'' you said while sitting on Appa. Appa is bigger than you thought or saw on tv. The team was flying with the bison in the sky, the feeling of the air in your hair and the soft fluffy hair carpet you were sitting on reminding you this wasn't a dream but a new reality for you.

The feeling of water bending a few seconds ago was amazing but you were still insecure about your powers and what you could do. You look at your hands and tell yourself '' I hope I don't ruin anything, I don't wanna ruin this, I have to get stronger for me, for the team and for the world who is living 100 years war'' as you mumble softly to yourself but the gang still heard you

'' Don't worry Y/n, you did a great job'' Aang reassured to try to make you feel better

'' But I ruined the wave for you guys'' you complained

'' I'm nowhere as strong as you guys, this is all new for me, the adventure and the bending'' as you looked down at your hand again, feeling worthless to the team

'' Every bender has to start somewhere and yes in the beginning its hard...'' Katara and Aang continued to give a speech about how you just needed to learn.

''.... you feel like you are failing but that's why we have to practice everyday so that we can be stronger. In this way we can crush the firebenders and stop this once and for all'' Aang tells you, showing his wisdom and the responsibilities of being the avatar.

'' You are right'' you say more secure than before

'' maybe it is a good idea that you train with us for now on '' Katara says to you

'' Really?'' you reply with a happy tone and with stars in your eyes.

'' Really?'' complained Sokka cause he still doesn't trust you. After Katara gives a death glare at her brother as she says

'' Really'. Sokka puts his hands up in defeat. You were so happy that you hugged Katara '' thank you, thank you! I promise I won't let you down'' while saying it, you felt so happy cause you were officially a part of the team. This was always a dream ever since you watched Avatar and now you were living it. As you let Katara go, Sokka tells you

'' Okay miss! You're now in our team so let me tell you this clearly, if we found out you're a spy or a friend of the firebenders, I promise we won't be soft towards you, is that clear?!''. You shake yes out of fear

''sure...'' He keeps a stern expression but you see it break down into a smile.

'' Okay, welcome to the family!'' as he hugs you so tightly that you can't breathe

'' Sokka, i can't breathe..'' as you turn blue,

''sorry'' as he lets you go sheepishly. Aang starts leading Appa to land in some kind of forest.

"Appa is getting tired and we should rest," Aang explained. Everyone nodded in agreement already tired from the previous events. You barely got any sleep and it was starting to take a toll on you. Appa landed and everyone got off but the thing was you had no idea how to get off. Appa was huge and you couldn't just jump down. Aang noticed the look of fear in your eyes and air bended you down. It was weird being carried down by air. Was this what it felt like to fly? You closed your eyes and moved your arms up and down to seem like you were flying. You could hear laughter around and saw the group laughing at your antics. You blushed deeply as they caught you. Your feet were now on the group and you rubbed the back of your neck in embarrassment. The laughter died down but the smiles never left their faces.

"That was adorable" Katara broke the silence. Your blush deepened at her statement.

"I just-" Aang's laugh cut you off.

"It's ok Y/n, we aren't laughing at you. " The gaang seemed a lot less tense after your little show and you were glad that you were able to get them to laugh during these times.

"Watch out Sokka I might be taking your place as the funny one" you winked at him and he looked offended.

"Hey!' He groaned which set the group in another fit of laughter. Your laughter was interrupted by the screech of Momo.

"We should go help him," Aang yelled, already running towards the noise. The rest of the group followed. Sokka with his boomerang ready and Katara with her water. You didn't have anything other than your fists and low self esteem. You saw that Aang had stopped and was looking up. You followed his gaze and saw Momo was trapped in a cage.

"Fire nation traps..." Aang muttered to no one.

"We have to free Momo" Right as you said that Aang already was making his way up there. He cut the rope causing it to fall on the ground letting Momo free.

"We have to help the others" He pointed over to the other cages. Sokka threw his boomerang and managed to knock both of them down. You were impressed and Sokka noticed this which inflated his already huge ego.

"If the fire nation is here we should go" Katara reasoned.

"I agree, we can take Appa and fly out of here" Aang agreed.

"Are you guys crazy? How do you think they keep finding us? We are flying on a huge fluffy creature! That's easy to spot so we should walk instead" Katara and Aang were a bit shocked at Sokka's outburst.

"But if we fly we will get there faster" Katara tried to reason with her stubborn brother.

"My instincts tell me that we should walk" Aang and Katara groan.

"Sorry Appa but I guess we are walking. I guess walking can be fun" Aang tried to lift everyone's mood but a few minutes later he was tired of walking.

"How can you guys walk everywhere? This is so tiring!" Aang complained.

"Well somebody's instincts think that this is a good idea" Katara said with a bitter tone as she glared at her brother. You noticed that Aang was having trouble with the bag he had to carry.

"Here Aang, let me carry that for you" You grabbed it before he could protest. He looked at you gratefully. Sokka ignored the glare his sister was giving him and carried on.

"My instincts are never wrong!" He boasted with a smug look on his face. You rolled your eyes at him. You came face to face with fire nation soldiers as you entered their camps.

"What about your instincts Sokka!" You whispered yelled to him. He looked at you nervously as he struggled to come up with something to say.

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