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I am a murderer. I am destruction. I am the son of Satan.

Even at ten years old, I know my place. I've already killed, I've already tortured.

I am darkness. I am evil. I am the Prince of Hell.

I know I can't save her, so I don't even try. I watch as my little sister is dragged from the thrown room, into the bed of a monster.

I am past absolution. I am beyond redemption. I am Doom.

Nothing can save us. We are pawns in a game as old as time itself. I deserve nothing. I earn nothing. I stand at my father's side as he destroys lives, condemns mortals for nothing more than ignorance. Nothing is fair and no one is safe. Not from him, and not from me.

I am black ink consuming the pages of history. I am a general leading my army of sin. I am a tyrant, demanding respect, forcing compliance with nothing but pure hatred.

I have no emotion. I have no empathy for my victims. I kill with no abandon, no thought for the family left behind. I kill for revenge, for punishment, and for sport.

I am a villain. I am predator. I am. 

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