Chapter 15: Eden

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Chapter 15: Eden

It was mid-October, but you wouldn't know it judging by the foliage around Las Vegas. The constant drought watch prevented the city from planting any extravagant greenery in the medians. Instead, desert palm trees broke the monotonous rocky zero scape. The only sign of the upcoming holiday is the collection of festive holiday themed treats consuming the endcaps of all grocery and convenience stores.

I had been helping plan and decorate for the office festivities for the foster kids. Every year CYFD invites all of their kids in custody to dress up and trick or treat on the Friday before Halloween. The staff is highly encouraged to decorate their office doorways for the big event. Case workers pass out candy to every kid that comes to their desk.

Eden's floor had decided to go with a magical woodland theme. The staff was asked to dress up as creatures of the forest, elves or fairies. To paint the scene for the kids, Eden and her coworkers took brown butcher paper and drew on bark texture. Fastening the material to the long narrow hallways, it gave the illusion the children we walking through a path in the woods. They hung leaves ranging in shades of bright yellow to a deep red from fishing line in the ceiling. Rachel's husband came in and strung Christmas lights in between the leaves. When the main lights were shut off, the children could imagine they were taking a midnight stroll through an enchanted forest.

The foster parents were told to come around 1:30 with their kids all dressed up. If they needed help getting into the spirit, volunteers were staffed down stairs with face paint and extra costumes. Eden was garbed in a baby pink velvet spaghetti strapped dress that feel just above her knees. Sheer white nylon wings were pinned securely to her back. Her brown waves were curled into bouncy ringlets that framed her glitter brushed face. Pale pink lipstick and sparkling dangling earnings completed her woodland sprite look.

Eden had even managed to convince Doom to participate in the festivities. He wouldn't go as all out with the costume as her, but he did agree to have his face painted. When the volunteers asked what he wanted, he had leaned in and whispered conspiratorially. 10 minutes later, Doom knocked on her office door frame sporting a cartoon pink fairy with brown curly hair on his right cheek. Eden squealed and jumped into his arms, planting a smacking kiss right on his lips in front of God and everyone. Kids snickered and her coworkers let out a collective "Aww" at their antics.

At first the children were weary of Doom and his imposing stature, but he won them over by handing out extra pieces of candy. Eden gave him a knowing smile because she couldn't even pretend, she was mad. Her big bad man was truly of softy. Doom couldn't say no to those pleading puppy dog eyes, and she knew it.

At around 2pm, the festivities were in full swing, and Eden was surprised to hear her office phone ring. A lump of dread formed in the pit of her stomach just like every time this phone rang. There was no meeting planed today and all of the staff was busy with kids right now. Almost every kid in custody was here, so this couldn't be about one of her kids. Unless, they were one of the special ongoing investigations Eden had on her docket. I mentally flipped through every one of her cases, debating who could be on the other end.

Taking a deep breath, I answer on the last ring.

"Eden Maxwell, Permanency Planning."

"Hello, Mrs. Maxwell. This is Principal Walters at Jackson Middle School. I was calling to discuss Ryan Matthews.

"I can't give you any case information, if that's why you're calling."

"No, No. I actually wanted to give you some information, in fact."

That feeling of dread now felt like a lead basketball weighing her down. "What information."

"Well, Mr. Maxwell, the boy's grandfather was almost half an hour late to the mandatory Parent-Teacher Conference we had scheduled this afternoon. I was called in to supervise because of Ryan's previous history with harming his teachers."

"Mr. Winters apologized to Ryan. There relationship has vastly improved. You do not need to worry about that." I'm on the defensive now.

"Nonetheless, I learned some troubling information. Are you aware Mr. Matthews is now unemployed? Apparently, his employer wouldn't give him the time off to come to the conference, so he was forced to quit."

No no no. That means he would be ineligible for unemployment. Without a steady source of income, Ryan and Sarah will have to be taken back into custody.

"I know that employment was part of the stipulations for the children to continue living with him. Without this job, he must relinquish custody. Being a good steward of the law, I told Mr. Matthews I would personally contact you and see that the children are picked up from school by their state appointed guardian."

Good steward my ass. He just wanted to mess with Ryan. He knew just as well as I do the state wouldn't act so quickly. It might have taken months to find out that Mr. Matthews was out of a job. By then, he might have been able to get a new one. Now, he's just forcing my hand.

"I'm on my way."

I slam the phone down, bent and grab my purse out of the bottom drawer and took off towards the door. Doom looked down at me from the threshold, clearly confused. I didn't have time to explain, but I know Doom wouldn't let me leave without one. I gave him the basics before dashing onto the streets of Las Vegas dressed like a goddamned pink fairy.

I parked my old Toyota Camry in the fire lane and darted inside the large red bricked admin building. I see Ryan with tear streaks on his face, hugging his backpack while sitting in a cheep metal chair.

"Ryan. Let's go." My voice is stern and should have invoked no argument. Unfortunately, that bitchy receptionist didn't get the memo.

"And just who are you? Ryan is waiting for his state appointed guardian." She gives an obvious appraisal of my sprite costume.

I plant my hands on my hips and let out the mother of all tirades. "Ryan's 'state appointed guardian' is his grandfather, who you so rudely kicked out of here not half an hour ago. I am his social worker. If you bothered to check that fucking computer every now and again, you would know both Mr. Matthews and I are authorized to take Ryan out of school any time we damn well please. So, yes, I will be taking him home right fucking now." Ryan envelopes me in a hug so fierce, it puts an end to all of their probing questions. Everyone watching knows that boy is coming with me.

With a quick stop at Sarah's elementary school, I take both kids back to their grandfather's house. Mr. Mathews runs as fast as his old legs can carry him out to greet the kids in the gravel driveway.

"Mrs. Maxwell, please don't take them. I will get another job, I promise."

"I don't intend on taking them, but I do need to know why you quit."

He visibly deflates, but keeps an arm wrapped around both of his grandkids. "They wouldn't let me take off for Ryan's conference. Part of the agreement I made with the state was I had to attend all mandatory meetings to keep up with their schooling. I knew that bastard would call you the moment I didn't show. I had to choose the lesser of two evils. Either way I was in violation of my agreement with the state. I figured I would have a chance to get a new job before you found out."

"While I officially can't condone you walking away from your only source of income, I will concede that you were faced with an impossible choice."

"So, what will these mean... for us?"

I look down at my watch, it's almost 3:30. "Here's what we are going to do." My voice is filled with absolution. "I can stall filing my report until Tuesday morning. If you can find a new job, any job, between now and then, the state will have no grounds to take Ryan and Sarah."

"I'll take it. Thank you. Thank you so much Mrs. Maxwell." I see a tear leak from Mr. Matthews' eye.

Ryan and Sarah each give me a sweet, pensive hug before disappearing into their small family home.

I take my time getting back to the office to ensure I have no time to write up my notes on today's events. Doom is waiting for me when I walk into my small apartment. He immediately asks what happened with Ryan and Sarah. I'm not sure if he watched the entire thing from the shadows and is just letting me vent, but I don't care. I need to talk about it. I need someone to tell me I made the right call.

I know my plan to call in sick on Monday is dishonest, but they need time. Time to sort everything out. They deserve a chance. Don't they?

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