3. Watch Me While I Bloom

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I was received by Martha, who was a little bit nervous with all the school stuff, but I convinced her to try and relax a little so she could tell me all about it, and that same day we went for some beers. Martha lived with her boyfriend, James, but he was away at the moment for a business trip and was going to arrive in a couple of days, so I decided to start looking for places that weekend.

Like my fate has always been that funny and weird, that very same day at the bar I bumped into two guys from a new band that I've had photographed before and that eventually became friends of mine.

"You already here?" The cute blonde guy asked me.

"I told you I was coming today" I told him as he hugged me.

"Never give the messages to Jerry... he doesn't have a good memory as you can see" The other guy, named Layne told me, as I greeted him.

I introduced Martha to the guys as they greeted her politely and we chatted a little about my new life there.

"So, if you know where I can find a place to rent, please let me now" I added.

"Alright we will... I'll ask Mike if he knows about something" Layne said.

"Wait... what about Chris and Andy?" Jerry said and Layne's expression changed.

"That's right! I forgot about it. Look, we have these friends that are looking for a roommate and they don't care if it's a man or a woman or a dog as long as the rent is paid" Layne explained.

"And they are in a good location... What's the school you're going to work in?" Jerry asked this time.

"Rosamund Bennet Elementary School" I told them.

"That's just three blocks away from their place. Look, if you want, we can talk to them and we can arrange a visit" Layne told me.

"Really?" I said, excited.

"Of course, that's what friends are for... plus, they're really looking for a roommate, you're new here, and they're decent guys so you don't have to worry about it"

"Alright then"

"So... uhhmm... give us a number so we can contact you tomorrow" Jerry asked and Martha was kind to write her number on a napkin.

They said goodbye and went to the bar, as Martha and I stayed there and continue chatting. Like the first time in a long time I didn't end up wasted but definitely drunk, so we got home around 3 in the morning. Next day I woke up thanks to the sound of the telephone, that was far from me, so I tried to sleep again, but Martha went to fully wake me up as she told they were the guys from last night.

I got up quickly and I attended the call, as Jerry announced me that his friends accepted to have a meeting with me that same day by the afternoon; I was feeling like shit because I had a heavy hangover, but I didn't have time to reject places where to live, so I said I was going to visit them in the arranged hour and the called ended.

I told Martha about it and then I took a cold shower so I would wake up properly, I ate something, applied my usual light makeup and decided to wear my usual kind of clothes: not too formal but comfy, not too slut  but something cute and normal, and that's how I chose my black jeans, brown boots and a mustard color sweater because it was a chilly afternoon, with my hair down.

Martha was kind to take me to this place in her car and then she went back home, outside I noticed Jerry talking to another blonde guy that wasn't Layne, and when he waved at me, I went to their spot.

"Florence, this is Andrew Wood... one of the owners of the apartment" He said, as we shook hands.

"Nice to meet you Andrew, I'm Florence Vanderbilt"

"Nice to meet you too... uhhmmm... this is... Stone?" Andrew said, looking inside the apartment as a slim guy with medium long hair appeared.

Damn! He has a cute face  I thought when I saw him.

"Stone Gossard, nice to meet you" He said.

"Nice to mee you, Florence" I said, a little bit nervous.

"So... shall we go inside?" Andrew kindly told me as I nodded.

The first thing I noticed were the guitars in the living room, which gave me a good sign immediately; the place felt very peaceful and it had a nice distribution of space. Later, they showed me what would it be my bedroom, and I loved it immediately because it had a large window and a small balcony.

I told them that I was really interested and then they told me about the rent, which I thought it was ok for the space and the location.

"Do you have any restrictions? Like, hours, visits and stuff like that?" I asked them and they smiled.

"We have a band... so I don't think you should worry about restrictions" This dude Stone told me.

"Well, I just ask because if I'm going to live here I don't wanna have problems with my roommates and I tend to go out a lot because I'm a photographer, but also I will be working as a school teacher so, I might do a little bit of noise in the mornings" I said, but they were smiling.

"So that's a yes? You accept?" An excited Andrew said.

"Well, if you're ok with it... yes"

"Deal then! You can move whenever you want" Andrew added, but Stone was faster.

"Wait... just like that? You're not gonna tell Chris?" Stone said.

"Wait... I thought you were Chris... I though Stone was a middle name or something"

"Oh, no... Chris is on a tour with his band... as you can see, we're all musicians here"

"Well, if you want, we can wait for this Chris guy to agreed" I said, a little bit shy.

"He told me whoever I chose was ok. Plus, Layne and Jerry gave us excellent reviews about you so..." Andrew said this time.

"Are you sure? 'cuz I really don't wanna have any kind of trouble" I said, now worried.

"Don't worry, Chris is a relax guy and won't be here until next month" Stone said with a smile that made me feel comfortable.

"Well, in that case... Can I move in tomorrow? I really didn't bring too many things from California" I told them as they agreed.

Next day, I officially moved, and during the week I decorated my bedroom with some furniture that Stone and Jerry help me to choose when they decided to go with me and buy those items. I was feeling pretty much comfortable there, and school was going to start in about a week, so I still had the time to get use to it.

I liked Andy and Stone vibes, because they blended perfectly with my sarcastic but polite way of being, sometimes being sassy but always having fun and also finding the responsibility in our lives, and Andy was extraordinarily awesome, kind and talented. 

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