15. Paradise Is Very Fragile

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"I know it must be very stressing, but you need to calm down a little" I told him as we both were sharing breakfast on that cold morning.

"I can't... I mean, there's no problem with the sessions but... What are we gonna do then?"

"This might sound shitty, but he told the same thing to all of you: you just have to look for a replacement"

"I know that... but no one is as good on the bass as Hiro... plus, we're about to start a tour in a couple of months" He answered me with certain angst.

"That's correct, and nobody will top or equal the quality of Hiro's skill with the bass but I'm sure you can find someone as well as talented that him... at least for the tour" I added, taking his hand gently, as he just looked at me with a sad and worried gaze completed with a weak half smile.

"I'm really sorry to drag you into all this fucking mess... I know you have your own stuff to worry about... like your jobs" He said, a little bit ashamed.

"Hey, it's fine... we're a couple and we're lovers, but before that we're friends and a team, so we have to support and help each other when it's needed, and I'm glad you trust me enough to tell me your issues" I answered a little bit blushed and taking his hand, while he just smiled a little bit more cheered up.

"Thank you... you're so wise, Florence" He told me quietly, now taking my hand and leaning for a short kiss.

After that spontaneous moment, we continue eating, since he had to return to the studio and I was going out with the guys because it was Saturday.

It was the first time I noticed him so worried, frustrated and tense; during the sessions of what would be their next album, Hiro announced his decision to quit the band to go back to college, since he felt his contribution to the band was so little, among other personal reasons like his education. All this pressure left Chris to write most of the content in the album, and of course, the extra work of all those mix feelings because of the situation.

As it was already 1989, the sessions of the still untitled upcoming album began on December of the previous year, and they were almost finishing by January; I usually would visit them at the London Bridge Studios after work, taking some time to photograph a little, and though the sessions were unproblematic, I could notice the tension all over the place. During spring the band would start the proper tour for supporting the Ultramega Ok  album and that was just around the corner, so the idea of losing a member before beginning was chaotic; however, soon before the tour, they found a replacement for the first dates in North America.

Before the guys would go away on tour, I was asked by the label to take the cover photograph again, but instead of taking a new snap, the guys along with Susan decided to use a black and white photograph of Chris performing shirtless and fiercely on stage, with his messy hair floating and blocking his face. However, for the back cover we had a proper photoshoot, still with Hiro on it, and being the last with him.

Days turned into months, and soon Chris was about to leave town again, and subsequently the country... but as he mentioned at the very beginning of the year, I had my own stuff to worry about, just he didn't know by yet... and I didn't know how to communicate properly.

"I think you should just tell him"

"I know Andy, but... damn, I mean he's under so much pressure and now I have to tell him?"

"Look, you took your decision and that's something he had to understand. He's your boyfriend, he must understand" He told me while placing my cup of tea in front of me.

"What if he takes it badly?"

"Why would he do that? As odd as it looks, Chris is a decent guy and he is gonna support you"

Loudest Love (Chris Cornell Fantiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin