Chapter 1. Introduction

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"My intention in life is to have as much fun as I possibly could

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"My intention in life is to have as much fun as I possibly could." ~Juliet Harrison

Drake: My name is Drake Parker.

Juliet: My name is Juliet Harrison.

Josh: I'm Josh Nichols.

Drake: I should probably be doing my homework, but I rather talk to you guys and my best friend Juliet. *Drake says as he looks at Juliet.*

Juliet: I've already done my homework for the day, so now I get to talk to you lovely people and my best friend who by the way won't stop staring at me. *Juliet tries to ignore his stare and just smiles*

Josh: I'm just doing a little homework here.

Drake: I live here with my mom and little sister Megan. Juliet basically lives here too since she comes to my house everyday.

Josh: I got a great family.
Even though it's just me and my dad.

Juliet: I live with my mom, dad, and little brother Andrew. I spend most of my time at Drake's house. My intention in life is to have as much fun as I possibly could.

Josh: I love that guy.

Drake: I love girls. And Juliet of course.

Juliet: I just love life, and my best friend Drake.

Drake: So my moms been dating this guy.

Josh: So my dads been dating this women...
she's really great!

Drake: He's okay, but he's got this kid that goes to mine and Juliets school.

Josh: She has a son that goes to my school.
His name is Drake.

Drake: His name is Josh.
It's not that I have anything against Josh.

Josh: I really don't know Drake all that well.

Both: But he seems kinda

Josh: Okay.

Drake: Unusual.

Juliet: I think Josh is pretty cool, If I do say so myself. *she said as she gave Drake a look. Drake just shrugs*
Here's the first chapter of the introduction part! Hope you all like it 😁

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