Chapter 1: Nuclear explosion (I think)

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"So if I have 15 lucion now and get another in the following version that should be enough for a cheaper weapon and... I don't know!!! I'M GONNA CRY!!! I'LL FAIL MATH MISERABLY!!! Phew... calm down, calm down, it's ok. I think I can buy bp in the next version... how much is it again... ARGHHH!!!!! I DON'T KNOW!!! I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ANYMORE!!!!"

A short high school girl was screaming on the floor while pulling her hair like a spoiled toddler.

"Hrrrrr... my head... still there are 2 abyss floors left and I did want to get all the crystals I before exalted abyss arrives... maybe if I take some medicine or something or..."

Suddenly she rose up with her broom-like hair and slightly tearful eyes and started lightly slapping her own cheeks. The entire image was the complete opposite of 'I'm an adult' talk she constantly insisted on.

"Ok, ok, I'm an adult, yes, Melisa you are a responsible adult and definitely NOT an addict. You'll go to sleep and finish everything tomorrow. Yes, that's reasonable..."

She ended up falling asleep on the floor with a single pillow under her head.


'Hrrrrr! I can't believe myself! I fell asleep on the floor like a stupid dog! Ugh... everything hurts... And on top of that I was acting like a kid who got drunk!!! Kyyaaaa!!!'

She tried getting up but hit her head onto something and there was a loud metal echo. Her heart sank. She opened her eyes only to be even more horrified by the sight. Her vision was blurry but it was clearly not her pink room anymore, though pink patterns were constantly appearing amd disappearing in front of her eyes. Everything around her was burned down, there were only a few buildings in the distance left of the entire city. Her hands were black from the massive burns yet they felt completely cold. There were no people around her either. Her head was painful and she couldn't even get up. Her legs were completely useless.

'WHAT THE HELL...! This... this is not a dream is it... Just what kind of a force could wreck the entire city in a single night!? No... no! No! No! Don't tell me... this was a nuclear explosion, wasn't it... yes... that's the only thing that could possibly achieve this... but why would I be alive then... shouldn't be possible, but perhaps these burns... could they be a result of radiation, they aren't usual burns anyway... besides what moron would even waste a nuclear bomb on this crappy country...'

She could feel hot blood generously pouring from one of her legs and the pink light was blocking her eyesight more and more... Her only chance to survive this was... was... no... there was nothing but ruins all around her and if the place was truly radioactive help won't be coming soon, if she could walk she would just ran far enough to meet anyone... no... none would be mad enough to randomly walk around a nuclear sight.

'But maybe... only maybe... if I move won't someone notice me from the air or...
"An... anything a... anyone is alright j... just please..."

She tried getting up but her wounded legs could not hold her weight and she fell back down with a distorted scream. Before she hit the floor she could feel a tight grip on her arm. She tried to turn around but she had no strength to even speak and much less move. The person was saying something but she could not distinguish a single word. The light and the sound were further and further away and the last pieces of her consciousness were slowly slipping away.


There was a strong light directed straight at her.

'As the scary old ladies used to tell us: DON'T GO TOWARDS THE LIGHT! NEVER G... oh never mind it's just a lamp. It's ok. I'm safe. Yes, I'm...'

Suddenly she heard weird sound. 

'Two. Yes, there is two of them. But what language is that... I can't recognize a single word. Has the radiation effected my hearing? But... this language can't be human, can it? Never mind ignore it for now. So let's summarize what I have figured out so far: A magical nuclear bomb hit the city I lived in and grounded everything including 3 hills around it but I was alive despite having also been on a 3rd floor of a now gone building. Some aliens with super-strong lamps abducted or saved me, not sure. Hey wait!!!!!!!! They are speaking Chinese. Fuck. I think my head got affected way worse than my hearing... I'm ashamed of my thinking abilities now.'

She couldn't hold back her laughter.

"I've treated dozens of little patients like you yet not a single one so far has woken up with laughter."

Suddenly a lady in a white coat sat next to her and stroked her hair with a gentle smile.

'KYYAA HOW ARE YOU CALLING LITTLE ILLUMINATI LADY!!! And more importantly DOZENS??? WHERE DID YOU FIND DOZENS OF PEOPLE SURVIVING A NUCLEAR EXPLOSION!!??? She doesn't look much over 20 so she couldn't be referring to the events...'

Suddenly a familiar voice stopped her thinking.

"Indeed, what a peculiar child."

On the other side of the room turning of the annoying light was a little too familiar blond man.

'Fuck, now I wish it really were aliens...'

Honkai impact 3rd: I just want to survive!Where stories live. Discover now