14 | threads of the weave • i

Start from the beginning

"Your pet is more intelligent than you give him credit for," Elijah stated, watching his wife pour her affections on a dog.

"Of course Asher is intelligent!" She tsked and grabbed his tie to pull him closer and cupped his jaw. "What's with these prickly little things under my fingers?" She asked with a frown.

The Original wrapped his arms around her suddenly and rubbed his stubble into her neck making her shriek. Adelia squirmed her shoulder with a chuckle and fell onto the bed as Elijah followed. Her fists clenched onto his lapels, trying to push him away as his prickly skin elicited giggles from the witch, his laughter joining them.

Asher wheezed at the scene and closed his eyes. He wished they would return to their home soon. This house was filled with demon creatures and all of them riled him up, especially the one that looked like his demon servant. That toddler plucked his tail for entertainment. How rude. But, oh what he wouldn't do for his favourite demons.


"We are leaving tonight," Sharel informed Angelique as they stood in the room adjacent to where her unconscious granddaughter was resting.

The Lorraine witch blew off the burning sage in her hands and kept it over the mantle, the crackling of the firewood drowning out the silence. "Avoiding a prophecy gets you closer to it. Whether you prefer it or not, it will happen," she said in a morose tone.

"How am I supposed to believe a smidgen of the curse you bestowed upon my girl," the Beauchêne witch said.

"I have seen it with my own eyes, Sharel," Angelique persuaded, softly touching the younger witch's shoulder as she stiffened instantly with various images flashing in front of her.

A breathy gasp filled the room as Elijah took Adelia's wrists in his hand to hold them against the wall. The vampire looked down and hooked his finger into the front strings of her gown and tugged at them hurriedly as the sleeves fell down her shoulders.

He moved her hair off her shoulder gently and grabbed her head to connect their mouths, lips moving fervently against each other. He gripped her waist to pull him forward as they blindly made their way across the room, hitting a lamp as it shattered onto the floor. She freed her hand to caress his jaw as they stared at each other, heavy breaths filling the place.

Sharel clenched her fist in her gown as her vision cleared, the extent of their hidden intimacy and affections rattling her to the core. She took a deep breath as the other witch's voice continued to drum in her ears.

"It had already been set in motion years before. We are nearing its end," the Lorraine witch finished.

"A child! You want to insinuate a child!"

"That child doesn't have to be a curse, Sharel. He is meant to bring balance."

"I would've accepted any prophecy of whatever child of any darn bloodline! But this concerns my granddaughter," Sharel seethed in rage, "with a man I will come to despise even more after this."

Angelique turned towards her, intrigued. "Do you know who the father is?"

The Beauchêne witch clipped her mouth. "I will not allow Adelia to bear a curse. There are people already after my granddaughter, I would never forsake her more by letting her carry a prophetic child."

"The child wouldn't get a better mother who would understand the pain and expectations," Angelique tried to make her understand.

"I have never forsaken my granddaughter for her abilities so why would I let people expect anything from a great-grandchild of mine? Who are you to burden my blood with those presumptions? As long as I am alive, my family will not bow down to those witches," the Beauchêne witch stated with steel in her voice.

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