Chapter 2

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The next morning I woke up and I heard a knock on the hotel door, it was Sebastian. I told him where I thought my mother had lived and we drove to the house. It was a creepy and broken down. But we decided to take a chance and knock on the door.

We walked up on the porch and the wood panels were so squeaky. We knocked on the door and this man opened the door. He looked like he had just had 3 bottles of vodka to be honest. I looked at Sebastian in fear.
"May I help you f*ckers?" He asked, Sebastian was about to go at the drunk man but I stopped him.
"Hi we are looking for Maria Johansen." I said, shaking with fear
"Oh, she, she's long gone, went to Germany a week ago, she won't be back for two weeks" he said. "May I ask how you know her." I said
"She was my ex girlfriend, now we just live together but don't speak... At all." He said. We left the house and I didn't know what to do. We only booked the hotel for one night. Where will I stay for two weeks? "Sebastian I have to go home. I have no where to stay." I said and he looked at me with those gorgeous eyes. My heart literally melted.

*Sebastians POV*
I can tell by the look in her eyes she liked me. And I liked her too. She was perfect. All my life I have tried to find that one girl and this girl was mine (she just doesn't know it yet.) "uh. You can stay at my house if you want. I have an extra bed in my room." I said. "I don't want to feel like and intruder, I'll just have to go home." She said. Why would she feel like that? Does she not get the hint I want her to be mine?

*Sammys POV*
He just invited me to stay at his house. I can't believe it. "You know what why not.. Are you sure though?" I said happily, I could not stop smiling. "Of course, anything for you." he said.

We kept driving. He yelled "PIZZA!" out of no where. He might be a weirdo but honestly he's my weirdo. I looked at him started to laugh and then missed the stop sign. Then everything. Everything was... Black.

Sebastian, Your My Happily Ever After.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu