After a while of silence (during which Anko was getting worried for his health), Lee spoke up. "I say he is very sincere about how he feels." The young man started brimming with tears and Anko was sure it was sunset. "How youthful of you! You are overflowing with unconditional love that even I could not match! For that I shall run 500 laps around Konoha....on my hands!"

"Goodness gracious Lee, you do not need to..." Anko started but Lee was already out the door. The purple haired woman sighed and shook her head. "Poor boy." She mumbled but Neji didn't miss it. He stared at Lee's afterimage with mild surprise and triumph.

Lee had feelings for Tenten.

"What did Lee fail to do this time?" The voice of the woman Neji loved do much filtered through the shop. Anko brushed past him to meet Tenten with a smile.

"Look who's here!" She announced, pointing towards his direction. Tenten's eyes widened slightly before morphing to a frown.



"I shall leave you two to discuss." Anko said as she escaped the awkward tension between them.

"Let us move away from the shop." Tenten ushered him inside a room and set a futon for him to sit on. Neji took his seat, all the while watching her actions. It had been two weeks since he last saw her and he missed her dearly.

"Tenten." He started, pausing for a while to select what to say. Many things ran through his mind but he found no words to say. He wanted to say many things but they couldn't manifest as words in his mind. Finally, he opened his mouth and spoke the first thing that came to mind. "Why did you quit the palace?"

Tenten scoffed. "That is the first thing you say?" Neji winced. She sure could hold grudges.

"I- I...forgive me Tenten. I am sorry I allowed Shion to mistreat you and..."

"That is not the case Neji." Tenten interrupted him. Her eyes were cast on her laps as she spoke. "Can't you see? Maybe we were not meant to be after all."

"Uh? What happened to the woman that boldly confessed her love to me? What happened to the one who would not give me up no matter what?" Neji frowned. He didn't like this at all.

"Neji-sama..." Tenten started but was interrupted by Neji's finger upon her lips.

"Shh. Now listen to me Tenten. It is you I love, not anybody else. I would give everything just for you and I would give you everything. Why don't you see that? I get that we are from different worlds but this is just a stumbling block, a challenge. We said we would go through the challenges we would face together, what happened to the ever confident Tenten that I love so well?" Neji asked softly.

"She is right here." Tenten sniffed. "I am sorry for allowing insecurities get over me. I love you so much, Neji-sama. I do not want to let you go or lose you." She tried to hold back her tears but Neji saw them and embraced her. Her head rested upon his warm broad chest and she heard his fast and strong heartbeat.

"I love you too." Neji smiled. He then remembered his gift and released her. "I have something to give you." He informed as he withdrew the bracelet from his kimono. Tenten gasped at the beauty of the accessory and collected it with trembling hands.

"It is so beautiful." She breathed.

"The amethyst represents me and the tulip represents you. The red thread is the thread of fate that binds us together. Like this bracelet, we are interwoven with each other and can not be torn apart." Neji finished with a smile as he adjusted the bracelet on her wrist. That was when Tenten noticed his blistered fingers. Worry creased her eyebrows as she raised his hands to her face.

"Your hands are badly bruised. Could it be that you made this bracelet?" Tenten asked with awe.

"Yes I did. I am glad you like it." Neji admitted.

"It is wonderful, thank you very much. You put your effort and sweat into making this for me, I am not sure what to give you in return." Tenten looked into his lavender eyes and melted at the tenderness therein.

"Your love is all I need." Neji spoke and embraced her again. Tenten smiled against his chest, tears forgotten and dried up on her face. His chest was comfortable, warm and broad. In his embrace, she felt secure and loved. Oh how much she loved Neji.

Unfortunately, things were about to take a bad turn for both lovers for neither were unaware of the spy that constantly watched their actions.


You know that climatic moment towards the end of a movie or book where thrilling things happen? Yeah we've reached that point.

How was your day? Night? Whenever you're reading this?

Me does not own Naruto or tha pictures!

Please vote and review. See you next chapter, bye for now.


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