Chapter Eleven: 𝕁𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕄𝕦𝕔𝕙?

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Kuroo Tetsurō got up from the table and ran after his friend. The black haired boy didn't know what came over him, he just felt that he needed to go after Nekoma's setter. "Kuroo-San!" Hinata yelled after him, standing up from the table as well. "Let them go," Daichi suddenly said, and Hinata looked to his captain. Everyone did. "Kuroo is the one of the only ones who can talk some sense into Kozume-Kun," the captain explained, and smiled when his middle blocker sat back down.

"Kenma!" Kuroo yelled, trying to catch up to the setter. Luckily Kenma didn't run that fast because he wasn't a fan of the concept, but he didn't stop either. Kuroo finally caught up to his friend, and grabbed onto his exposed hand. The two-toned male finally stopped moving, but didn't turn towards the taller boy. "... What's wrong?" The black haired male asked, noticing when Kenma tightened his grip on his hand. The setter remained quiet, but almost yelled out when he felt his body being turned. A second later he felt his face being pressed against a shirt, and hands wrap around his smaller body.

Kuroo was hugging him.

The distressed second-year made no effort to hug back, but it wasn't expected of him either. "It's jealousy, isn't it...?" The Captain of Nekoma suddenly said, and surprised Kenma. "Huh?" He spoke out, clearly stunned. "It's alright... You're not the only one..." The rooster-styled boy assured, and his best friend felt himself getting confused. Does he like Shōyo? I swear if he does- But Kenma didn't get to finish his thought, because he was ripped out of it when Kuroo let go of him and took a step back, granting the two some space.

"I get that the whole exchange was a touch angering- especially because it was in front of our food- but that's no reason to run away," Kuroo continued his scolding, putting his hands on his hips like a disappointed parent would. Kenma looked down, and mumbled a half-apology to his friend, but he wouldn't take it. "Don't apologize to me. Apologize to everyone else- particularly the Chibi-Chan. He's probably the most worried," Kuroo finished, putting a hand on Kenma's shoulder. Kenma couldn't keep his feelings inside, and almost deadpanned right on the spot.

"Are you my dad?" He muttered out with the most bored expression ever. Kuroo laughed and looked at the ceiling. "I've been spending some time with Daichi," he admitted, scratching his neck. Kenma half smirked, and then the two walked back down the hallway they came, back into the cafeteria. When the two friends arrived, everyone looked. But there was only one person on Kenma's mind.

"I-I'm... I'm sorry I l-left... " Kenma stuttered out, looking at the floor again like it was his best friend. Someone then laughed, and everyone from both teams looked. When they found the culprit, the entire room gasped. It was Coach Nekomata, but he was smiling? "Then sit down! Nobody here's going to stop you," He almost yelled, and Kenma smiled as well. He realized he made a mistake in thinking that everyone was going to hate him for ruining their dinner, but he was glad he was wrong. Kuroo and Kenma sat back down at the extremely large table, and were absorbed into conversations like nothing ever happened: Kuroo with his creepy hyena laugh, and Kenma silently listening in, both forgetting about the orange male who wanted nothing more than to talk to Nekoma's setter.

"Kenma! Do you think we could get Yaku-Kun some elevator shoes?"
"Uh- Why...?"
"Because then he wouldn't have to look up so much!"
"Lev you dumbass!"

But as good times end, so did this. Before anyone knew it, bedtime had come, and a familiar middle blocker walked into something rather weird when he came back from brushing his teeth.

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