Elementary (CBS Sherlock Holmes)

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"I already told you. I have no clue-" The man hits me again. The blood dripping from my nose splatters against something beside me. Maybe a wall.

"I'm not here to play games. What do you know of Sherlock Holmes?" He speaks through a voice masker. I look up at him but the bright light makes it impossible to make out any details. There's nothing around to get his height. The chair I'm strapped to is higher than the ground he stands on. My ankles are tightly strapped to the legs of the chair but my feet dangle. I can't tell how far they are from the ground.

"If you planned on killing me, you wouldn't have gone through all the trouble to hide who you are. I told you what I know. Please let me go." I plead and look up at him, hoping to gain sympathy. What confuses me is that he knew where to find me. He must've been watching for weeks to find a time he could take me without anyone noticing for hours. So he knows Sherlock. Why take me?

He sighs. "You're right. I won't kill you. But I will keep you here until I find him."

"Sherlock and Joan will notice I'm gone. They've probably already started looking."

"And that's supposed to convince me? If I let you go, you can't be bait."

"It is convincing you to let me go. You're obviously not stupid. You know I won't tell you anything. But here's what you'll find interesting." I pause to regain my thoughts. I have no idea what I'm saying. The pain in my head and throughout my body is excruciating. "You've spent time on this... project. If you wanted Sherlock you would have followed and kidnapped him. Not me. You want something interesting. So why not up the stakes? Let me go. Let the police look for you." I admit, I'm grasping at straws. I'm saying words and hoping he'll find enough meaning in them to let me go.

He turns his back to me for the first time since I woke up 2 hours ago. When he turns back he wiggles a needle in front of my face.
"I'll see you again soon. You'll have enough time to get the information we need, then you'll be back in this chair." Before I can ask him what information he needs the needle injects the substance into my veins.

I wake up in a hospital bed.
"Where..." I blink a couple times. When I pick up my arms to rub my eyes I notice tubes running all around me. My eyes widen and I look around frantically. Joan puts her hand gently on mine.

"You're at a hospital. You're safe."

"How. How'd I get here?"

"Sherlock found you in an alley next to his AA meeting. Whoever took you wanted him to find you."

"He... He was asking me where Sherlock is. How would he know where to drop me?" I sit up slightly.

"He asked you where Sherlock was?"

"Well... Maybe not 'where' I don't. I don't remember. Something. I was strapped on a chair... Um. There was a really bright light."

"Okay. It's okay. We're going to have Detective Bell come in to take your statement soon."

"What if I don't remember anything?" I look up at her as Sherlock walks in.

"There are security camera on the building you were leaned against. The captain is going over the footage as we speak." Sherlock stands awkwardly in the doorway and doesn't look me in the eye.

"He asked about you. He asked me questions. I don't think I answered anything but I don't know. I don't remember. I'm the only one who knows anything but I can't remember." I keep rambling anxiously.

"Hey, hey. It's okay. You don't have to remember anything right now. Just focus on recovering okay? We'll find him it'll be okay." She explains. I take a deep breath and wince from the pain in my ribs. This hospital is loud.

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