Firefly pt. 2

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"It'll just take 6 stitches" Simon tells Sam awkwardly before walking away to get the supplies. I don't think he knows how to handle this situation. Sam nods and takes in a deep breath. The gash on his shin isn't as big as it had seemed at first.

"Remi, I need you in the kitchen." Zoë says over the intercom. 

"Uh.. yeah I'll be right up." I say into the com. I turn to Sam who's busy talking with Simon about one of the medical tools. They seem to be getting along. "I'll be right back." They both nod.

"What's up?" 

"Next stop, your mom has a client and Mal is trying to set up a job and fuel up. You're helping." She tells me with a smile.

"Oh wow really? How'd you convince Mal?"

"It took some doin'." She smiled at me. "We'll be in port a while. We know Persephone enough to keep safe." 

"Dinner'll be ready soon." Kaylee tells us from behind the counter. Shepard stands behind her, stirring some sort of soup.

"I'll tell Simon and River." I nod and go back to their quarters. By the time I get down Simon is finishing up Sam's last stitch and telling him about some medical stuff I can't understand.

"Hey dinners ready. Alan'll bring you a plate later tonight, Sam." He nods and lays down on the medical table. Simon gets River from her bed and we walk to the kitchen.

"Where's the next stop?" I ask Mal. He's been quiet all dinner. I know where we're going but I thought talking job might get him to converse.

When he doesn't answer Kaylee does. "Persephone." I thank her and glance at Mal. He's still angry with me. 

I help Shepard with the dirty dishes while we make small talk.

"I heard you'll get to help with this job." He mentions after a lull of silence. 

"Well I thought I was. That was, before Cap'en gave me the cold shoulder." 

"He would have done the same thing if he were in your shoes." He smiles warmly. 

"Thanks Shepard. I gotta go check on River real quick, you think you can get the rest?" I gesture to the dirty bowls. He nods and I run off to the med bay to see Sam eating his share of soup. 

"Hey. So I might be fixin' to go out on our next stop. But Alan'll get you what you need while I'm gone. Did Simon get you the extra blankets for the storage space?" I sit next to him. He nods with a mouth full of soup. There's a spell of silence before heavy footsteps are heard outside the door. My eyes widen and Sam hides quickly. 

"Remi? What are you doin' in the med bay?" 

"Could be askin' you the same question, cap'en." We stare at each other for a few seconds.

"Where's the doctor?" He finally asks. Simon walks in, glancing at Sam in his hiding place and then up at the captain and me. 

"Simon, did you figure it out?" I ask him, raising my eyebrows at him. He stands there, perplexed for a moment before answering.

"Uh, oh yes. Yes. It is... possible. Um. If you need anything else, let me know." He makes up a fake reply and nods as if he knows what he's talking about. 

"Okay perfect, I'll do that then. Good seeing you cap'en." 

"One more thing." Mal stops me before I get to the door, his hand on my shoulder. My heart races. He knows something's wrong. "We'll be landing tomorrow morning, be ready to leave by 10." I nod and sigh with relief. "And make sure the boy is ready too." He looks at me knowingly. I look at Simon and see him just as confused as me.

Random imagines/one-shots/etcजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें