Hyde X OC 4

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"So, algebra then?" Donna asks Layla as they walk into the kitchen. 

"Yeah. I haven't been paying attention in math class and missed a couple assignments." She whispers so Red and Kitty can't hear her. They sit at the kitchen table and take out papers and textbooks. 

They work for about an hour. Sometimes Kitty would walk in an ask how things are going or Red would come in for a beer. 

Just as they finish up the last assignment Eric opens the kitchen door. Layla gets up to fill her cup with sink water.

"Hey Eric." Donna waves at him and explains why she's here. He makes a flirty comment. Well, by his standards it's flirty. Donna flirts back. As they talk Layla grabs the faucet sprayer and points it towards Eric.

"Take a cold shower." She sprays him with the water. 

"Layla! What the hell!"

"I can't finish my math if my tutor is busy with a geek." Eric runs off. Layla turns to Donna to apologize but they both start laughing. 

"What's so funny?" Kelso walks into our kitchen and grabs an apple from the counter.

"Sprayed Eric with the faucet. What's up?" Layla gets up and closes her text book.

"Layla, we haven't even gone over what you need to know for the test next week."

"Yeah but I'm caught up with everything else. We can meet up on Saturday to go over the test stuff?" She agrees and closes her books too.

"So, what's next?" Michael looks between the two suggestively and rests a hand on each of their shoulders.

"The Twilight Zone reruns are on, I'm going to watch that. I think Star Trek is playing after that too. Mom and dad said I could watch in the living room if you guys want to join?" She shrugs his hand off her shoulder.

"My parents want to go to this meditation center tonight so I have to watch my sister. Another night?" Donna gets up to leave so she look to Kelso. He shrugs and they go into the living room.

The two teenagers sit on the couch and turn on the channel. They watch a couple episodes of each show and then start up a conversation after the last episode ends.

"So how are you and Jackie?" Layla ask him nonchalantly.

"Oh I'm breaking up with her."

She roll my eyes. They both know he has no intentions of leaving her.

"But really, how are you guys? Do you honestly like being with her?"

"Well." He seems to really think of an answer. It almost seems like he'll come up with a thoughtful, real response. "I like parts of her."

She let out an exasperated sigh.

"What about you?"

"Jackie? I mean, she's nice and all but..." Layla dodges the real question.

"No. Do you have anyone?"

"This is a surprisingly serious conversation for you, Michael." They stare at each other for a beat or two before she changes the subject. "Hey, did you see Hyde's and my prank on the Vista Cruiser?"

"Eric was pissed!" They high five and she tells him all the details.

"For god sake, it's midnight. Go home!" Red stomps down the stairs. The two give each other a weak goodbye and Kelso leaves to go home.

Layla lies in her bed reading a magazine when the phone starts ringing. She sighs and shambles over to her desk.

"Layla speaking."

"How dare you!" Jackie shrieks through the phone.

"Who's this?" She smiles smugly before slumping in her desk chair.

"Michael stayed at your house until midnight! I can't believe you'd sleep with my boyfriend!"

"Jackie, we watched Star Trek in my living room. Nothing happened. How did you even know he was at my house?" She mimes hanging herself with the phone cord to entertain herself from this unbearable phone call.

"He told me."

"He told you that we slept together?"


"I didn't think so. I get not trusting Kelso, but me? You really think I'd sleep with him?" Layla opens her window quietly, rests the phone on her shoulder and takes out a cigarette.

"I got to go Jackie. But next time you think Kelso is cheating, talk to him." She slams the phone down with more force than she expected.

"It's just me." Hyde whispers as he knocks softly. She unlocks the door and hands him a cigarette. He takes out his lighter so he can light her cigarette and then his own.

"Don't ask me about Kelso. I didn't sleep with him."

"Yeah I heard." He says simply.

They sit in silence until Hyde leans over to turn on her record player and then wraps his arm around her shoulders casually. She rests her head on his shoulder and sighs comfortably. Janis Joplin plays quietly in the background.

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