Elementary (CBS Sherlock Holmes)

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Based off the CBS show.

Backstory: Joan Watson has a little sister. She moves in with Joan and Sherlock after she turns 18 because she's going to school in New York for forensic investigation. She has lived with them for three years now. She fits in and helps with cases when she can. This is not based on an episode.

"Elliot is joining us later today." Sherlock tells me. We eye each other a moment longer than normal. As if we have a secret but I don't know what it is. Before I can ask why they're having the interview at the Brownstone rather than just meeting him at the police station, Joan walks in and our attentions turn to her.

"Sherlock and I are interviewing an archivist from the museum. See if he has any information on our suspect. He'll be here at 3:00. In the meantime Sherlock and I are going to the precinct to meet with Detective Bell. He thinks he might have a lead. Del, I need you to go grocery shopping today. I'll text you the list." She pulls out her phone and begins to type.

I walk back home from the shop with the heavy reusable bags bags in hand. I feel one of the bags begin to break but before I can react the groceries fall to the concrete.

"Here, let me help." Elliot leans down to reach for the food, glances at me to make sure it's alright, and picks up the mess. He sets down his messenger bag and puts the boxes of granola bars into it. He smiles a small goofy smile.

"Thank you, Elliot." I smile back at him.

The first few minutes of walking were filled with awkward silence.

"So you're a Star Trek fan?" He asks, pointing to the broken grocery bag with the Enterprise on it.

"Yeah! Original and Next Gen are my favorite, but I haven't seen the others. You?"

"Yeah, I love those too." He hesitates. "We... We should watch it together sometime."

I smile and nod. "Yeah, that sounds fun."

We arrive at the Brownstone. Elliot helps me put the groceries away while we wait for Joan and Sherlock to come back. We walk back into the living room, talking about our favorite books. He pulls one out of his bag.

"You can have this one. I have three other copies. It's one of my favorites." He hands it to me. It's a well-loved book. Obviously used but taken care of.

"Wow thank you. Hold on I'll be right back." I get up and go to take one of my favorites from the shelf. "I know you said you already read it, but this is a special edition with extra chapters. You can keep it, I've read it a million times" I hand him the book. He gapes at it and delicately turns it over in his hands.

I sit on the couch and he sits next to me, still looking through the book. "Oh, I'll show you my favorite part." I move closer so I can point out the paragraph and explain why I like it. After I finish talking I look at him to see that he's already looking at me.

"Sorry about the wait." Sherlock and Joan walk in. I greet them before getting up to go upstairs, Elliot's book in hand. Sherlock's eyes me as if he's deducing something. I thought I would get used to the fact that he can practically read my mind but I never have.

After an hour I walk downstairs for an early dinner.

"How's the case going?"

"It turned out to be the hackers father. His alibi was false and we found the murder weapon in his fake desk plant." Sherlock answered. I nod as I get leftovers from the fridge and slide a container over to Sherlock for him to eat.

"Where's Joan?" I take a bite of the noodles.

"She's on a date." He answers.

"A date?" I raise an eyebrow. He begins explaining why he believes she has been having romantic relations with someone from the restaurant we frequent. "And you? Any... entertainment tonight that I should be aware of?"

"Not tonight." He takes another bite of food. "Will Elliot be joining us anytime soon?" He asks abruptly. My head tilts and eyebrows furrow.

"Not if you didn't invite him for another interview." I didn't hide the fact that I like Elliot. Even if I did, Sherlock would figure it out. But I wasn't expecting him to bring it up.

"Well, with the way-" I interrupt him.

"Yeah Sherlock, I know I was obvious." I get up to leave.

"Actually, I was talking about him. He was distracted throughout the whole interview and I suspect it didn't have anything to do with the murder investigation." He gets up to throw away his leftover container. I chuckle as I clean the dishes and smile to myself.

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