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thanks for the 100k on testimony. we love yall. and thank you for that😭🥺

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𝘪 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶

Justice sat across from Saint and Jersey. He had decided to go see them today since his day wasn't full.

"So , whea my niece at?"Jersey asked him with a mug.

"School nigga,"Saint rolled his eyes.

Jeremiah was supposed to be coming because it had been a while since Saint had seen all of his kids together. They all talked to him on a regular but it wasn't enough. He was lonely majority of the time and he had to take care of Jersey full time since her mama left him with Jersey when she was 3.

Saint looked up and saw Jeremiah with her belly poking out and he raised his eyebrows. And so did Justice and Jersey.

"Hey". She said happily.

All of saints kids looked exactly like him. Only except Justice had colored eyes and his sisters eyes were a light brown like Saints.

They all had his chocolaty smooth skin, and curly hair.

"You're fat". Justice said dryly.

"She's pregnant asswipe. It's common sense". Jersey mugged him.

"Pregnant". Saint raised his eyebrow.

Honestly to him , that was too quick, she was only twenty two , too young to be pregnant and worst she didn't provide for herself.

Saint hated that Jeremiah was too much like anela, anela's ways pissed him off, she didn't like working for her own , just did it if it was really beneficial and he hated that Jeremiah didn't adapt to his ways.

"Yes, I'm three months."Jeremiah sat next to jersey who touched her stomach.

"Jersey, keep yo pussy to yo self."Justice mumbled, he wasn't upset about Jeremiah being pregnant since he had to take care of Ceauni way younger than her age, but what was bothering him is Jeremiah's boyfriend, Bj

"Bj bitchass?"Saint scoffed.

"He better stand up beside you like a light post or my grandchild be daddyless."Neither Alani nor Saint liked being called grand nothing so he makes Ceauni call him pops.

"Yes pops, Bj, I don't see why y'all dont like him."Jeremiah huffed.

"He a bitch."Justice shrugged.

"He be in them streets doing god knows what."Saint pointed out.

"And he too friendly."Jersey concluded.

They've been trying to show Jeremiah his ways , but love is blind , she was in a relationship with someone who couldn't man up and that was mainly everybody's problem.

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