chapter 51.

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the next day

y/n's pov

i wake up in mattia's arm and in some pain but not as bad as last night. i admire him sleeping and i start to think how did this happen. how did mattia go for a girl like me. all i know is that it's gonna hurt badly if we ever break up

"stop staring at me sleeping you creep" mattia says laughing

i laughed along "what makes you think i'm staring at you"

"i felt eyes on me" he says finally opening his eyes staring into mine

"i love you y/n" he say before leaning in

"i love you more" i say doing the same

our lips touch and that feeling just never dies down. everytime we kiss it feels like the first time. i could stay this way forever. the door opens and i pull away to see his little brother

"hiiiii y/n" he says running to jump on top of me

i laugh and hug him "hi gianluca"

"so happy to see you too gianluca" mattia says with a straight face

he sticks his tongue out at mattia

"okay you can get out now" mattia says

i hit him "don't be so rude"

mattia rolls his eyes

"mattia where are you" i hear his mom yell

"i'm down here ma" he yells back

she comes in and looks a little exhausted. she soon makes eye contact with me and her facial expression changes

"y/n heyyy i didn't know you were here" she smiles

i get up and hug her tightly

"yea i came here after the soccer game" i tell her

"awwww i missed you so much" she laughs "you wanna help me cook"

"yes of course" i smile back "i'll be back" i turn to mattia

he nods and smiles as i head upstairs with his mom

mattia's pov

"you're in love aren't you" gianluca says to me

"you in my business? don't do that" i say running my fingers through my hair "imma go upstairs with mom and y/n okay. don't mess my room up"

i was heading upstairs but i heard my name come out of my moms mouth. i don't like to eavesdrop but i was kinda interested where their convo was going.

"so how are you and mattia, baby" she asks y/n

"we're actually good. uh we're dating now" she replies

my mom giggles "he finally made it official huh"

"you knew he liked me?" y/n asks

"he's my son honey, i knew he was in love with you before he knew" she replies to y/n "is he treating you right"

y/n giggles "yes, he treats me as if i'm a princess, very protective guy"

my mom laughs along "i'm happy for you guys. i never seen him so happy"

i smile at that comment. she wasn't wrong, there's never a moment where i'm nothing but happy with

"yea, i thank you because you raised an amazing son" y/n says "i love him too much to lose him"

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