Chapter 3

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Jack must be crazy if he thinks I'm actually getting in his car again. I can walk, I don't need him to drive me. You might be thinking 'Well maybe he's just trying to be nice' but I'm sure that not the case.


I walked out of school followed by Max and Katie.

"Bye guys. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye" They said and I started walking to my house.

I got to my house, walked inside and started my homework.

I was only working for about 20 minutes before there was a knock on the door.

I answered it and of course it was, Jack Gilinsky.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well Paris I thought we had agreed that you were going to meet me at my car so I can drive you home"

"Well my name is Marie and you made that decision not me." I said crossing my arms.

"Why do the teachers call you Paris then?"

"Because that's my name, but my middle name is- wait I don't need to explain anything to you. If your gonna talk to me then you can call me Marie ok. Now can you leave?" I asked.

"No." He started and was going to continue until his phone start ringing.

"Hello?" He answered. "Hey baby. Nothing. Can't wait baby. I'll be there in 5." He said and hung up.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7:00 for school. Be ready. Seriously Marie let me take you to school."

"Goodbye Jack."

"See you tomorrow morning." He said and I shut the door.

I called Max, "Hello?"

"Jack is seriously getting on my nerves."

"Why what happened?"

"He just knocked on my door, called me Paris which I hate, and then he's probably gonna make me go to school with him tomorrow"

"Ruby and I didn't want to tell you but Leigh was talking a lot of shit today."

"Like she does every other day?"

"Yeah but it was shit about you. You know she's dating Jack and he isn't allowed to talk to any other girl. Especially now. I think everyone's seen Jack kinda drifting apart from her."

"I don't care about what Leigh has to say about me."

"But you know how Leigh can get. We just don't want you getting hurt, by Jack or Leigh."

"I know Max. I'll talk to you tomorrow." "Alright love you." "Love you too."

Leigh and I go way back. It's a long story but I guess I can just make a long story short. Leigh and I use to be best friends, kinda how Max, Katie, and I are. We were freshmen and a boy named Alex had asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes, and we were dating for about 5 months until Leigh decided to sleep with him.

She told me that he was too good for me, that I was useless, and all these other terrible things. I started to believe it and thats when I started cutting. I had no friends for a few months, every kid hates going to school, but I genuinely hated it.

I didn't want to go because nobody would talk to me, everyone was with their groups of friends while I was by myself. Everyone hates school because of the work and the teachers even the people but they still had friends.

I was just alone all the time. Until I met Katie and Max. They really helped me through a lot, two major things were cutting and my dad's death.

I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for them. They are really protective over me, they are like the older sisters I never had.

I have major trust issues, and one of the reasons is because of Leigh. I use to tell her everything, anything that happened when my parents got in fights or when they almost got a divorce.

I even told her about something that I never talk to people about, my brother. I was 14 when he passed away. He had overdosed on drugs when he was 18. He was my best friend.

She told the whole school everything... not leaving out a detail. When Katie and Max came along I thought they would be just like Leigh, so I wouldn't tell them anything.

I finally did and it lifted a huge weight off my shoulders but I don't think I would be able to let anyone in like I let them.

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