Chapter 31: I'm Not Dead

Start from the beginning

So... lemme puzzle this... he's convinced I'm the prey but he isn't going for the kill.... I'm literally in front on him, holding my leg, slightly rubbing it. "Anyways.... dabi; your quirk is ... what?" I ask.

".... Cremation" he says, no longer stuttering but I can sense fear and nervousness. He's the bad guy here, why is he nervous? Okay, why the hell did I try to go for psychology attacks? This isn't working, it's just fucking with me.

I nod at him and ask "is your quirk that bad that it burns your skin like that?" I ask. He nodded. "Yeah.... that's one of the reasons our father hated me" his eyes then opened wide as he realized what he said.

"..... you said the same thing earlier... 'Our Father'.... who are you? Do you know me?" I ask, now really mind fucked. " ......" he remained quiet.
He but his lip tightly, blood spilling from the sides.

"Who are you? It's not like Touya cane back from the dead... Is he dead? I-I...what?" I give up. What is the truth, the hell is happening?

"I- I'm....not.. Dead..." he spoke bitterly.

I felt the water beside me and I just now noticed... he's free..  he melted the ice....

I look up and he was standing tall, I was sitting down and he was towering over me. He smirked widely and raised his arms, blue flames danced around his figure as the lacquer hues covered his scars, completely embracing him back...

"T-t...Touya?" I say with complete and utter confusion....

As he bring his arms down, I close my eyes as I tried to make another ice barrier but couldn't seeing how his flames' heat was too much that it dried out my whole body...

Black consumed me as I patiently waited for the rough hit to force down on me....

Jagged hands covered my torso and liquid and quiet whimpers envelope me as the villain clutched me on to his own body. His cries where quiet but were very audible for me to hear since his head was facing mine, resting on to my shoulder.

His eyes squeezed shut as he trembled in pure anxiety. "S-sorry for leaving you behind" I whisper to him...

His grip held on to me tighter and his eyes started to get puffier. "What... happened? " I ask still in shock"
"After you left... I was stuck again, alone in my room. Father couldn't go to abroad with you because of his work....." he said while sniffling...

My heart's pumping really fast,

Is this really true? Is it really him?
If it's him... then.... finally, i wouldn't have to say good bye to him. I at least didn't left him behind with a goodbye because he's alive!

Touya, you're the only sibling I had that will actually try and understand me, to the point where he'd actually go through what I was doing.

A small  tug of muscles on my cheek went upwards,  forming a small smile yet genuine one. I hugged back, feeling the heat he emitted. It wasn't hot, it was clear he didn't want to hurt me.

Soon, I as well felt water come down my mismatched orbs as he wept on my clothes. I felt around his back, feeling his clothes and lean muscle, he's really alive.... he isn't dead. I closed my eyes as well and hugged him even tighter than before....

For the first time in a few years, my walls were all down. Not one was raised. I knew this was my brother, he isn't just a stranger...

"A-are you alright? Did he hurt you when you came back? Is he still abusing mom? T-tell me" he fired questions after questions. He held my face, looking at me for answers... and well... he removed some parts of the make up I was wearing. I pat his shoulders, rubbing his back accordingly to calm him down.

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