8. Jackunzel

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"I'll pick you up after school." Jack said, letting me get off his Navy blue motorcycle. I nod and take off the helmet."I'll wait for at the back entrance."

"Okay, Jack." I smile. He's been going on and on about how he wants to be with me as much as possible. Which is how we got to the subject of him picking me up and dropping me off. "I'll get there as fast as I can."

"Alright." His face was straight now. Of course it was. He was at school and he had to put on his mean guy face. And for once, it doesn't bother or annoy me. "Elsa," He picks up my bag. "Here." Once I take hold of it he pulls me closer and whispers in my ear "I love you".

"I love you too." I whisper back and take my bookbag from his hands. "I'll see you later." He nods and I walk away from him, smiling like an idiot. Walking inside the school, I felt even happier than ever and I knew people could tell. I bet it was because of the big smile on my face which was unusual for me to have. So a lot of eyes were on me.

"Elsa," A Scottish accent rose from the crowd of the murmuring students. "I haven't talk ta ye since Junior Prom." She wrapped her arm with mine then began to walk with me. "Anything new?" I smiled but didn't say anything. I don't know if I could tell her about me and Jack. I can't tell anyone about it.

"Nope." I lied with a sweet smile. And she gives me a devilish smile. She leans into me, putting her hand infront of my ear.

"Well, ay heard that yu and Jack have got sumethin going un." My face burned from the blush. I looked around fratictly then back at Merida, who was still giving me that same sly smile.

"Where did you here that!?" I whispered/yelled to her.

"Jack." She giggled. "He told me about his crush un yu and has been telling me fer a year or twe."

"And you're Okay with us?"

"At ferst, when he first told me how he felt, ay felt grussed out and weird." She began. I gave a sad look. "But, Jack explained his feelings tu me and ay kind of understood." I smiled slightly. The fact that she didn't like the idea before made me nervous. If everyone in the school knew... they'd probably have the same reaction.

"Well," I tried to smile as if nothing was wrong. "I'm glad it's you that knows. You are the only other person that knows. Except Hiccup." She smiled and seemed to look at her phone.

"Right, I need a favor." She began. "Hiccup... he's a cool guy and I really like him so maybe... you could help and push us into a date." My eyes widened then a giant smile was placed on my face.

"Sure! Sure!" I said happily. "I'll try my best. We could do a double date thing." She sighed in relief then nodded at me.

"That's even better!" She hugged me. "Thanks! Now give me your number so you can text me what happens."

"Alright." I take out my phone and we exchange numbers. She then heads to her homeroom, probably to mess with Jack about he and I.

I walk into my class and set my bag in my seat. Then I walk out to my locker and put my jacket in there as well. "Well, hello, Ms. Snow." That nickname told me that Hiccup was standing behind my locker door. I close my locker and see him leaning and smiling at me. "So, how are you?"

"Awesome!" I said and playfully punch his shoulder. "You know that." He chuckles then stands up straight. "And you will be too."

My Possesive Step-Brother [❄Jelsa❄]Where stories live. Discover now