4. Unspoken

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"Don't let them touch you." Jack's eye's gazed up at me with a angered look. I froze, trying my hardest to make sure he didn't see me blush. I always had a weakness for his ice cold stares he gave me; it just seemed to hypnotize me. "Don't let them touch you, look at you or speak to you. You are only mine. No other man can have you. I'm the only one. promise me that. Please?"

I let him see my blush now. His eyes became softer and had an intense gleam of lust when he saw my cheeks become even more rosy then they naturally were.

"Elsa," He begins again. "It's been a year and a half since I've realize that I'm... I'm in lov-"

We heard keys then our front door open and our hands left each others to layed at our sides. I heard Dad, Ms. Frost and Anna talking to one another as they entered the house. He and I got up, him going to the rice and me into the living room. They all paused and looked at me.

"What are you doing here so early?" Anna asked, looking me up and down. "Shouldn't you be at the ball."

"And shouldn't you be at Kristophs house?" I asked, trying to get the attention off me.

"His dog, Sven, got sick after eating a bad carrot so he's at the vet." She said sounding a little disappointed. "But, anyway, what happened? Is Jack home too?"

"Yea, I'm here." Jack appeared behind me, looking at them a little irritated. "And we came back because Elsa got herself into trouble." Our parents and Anna looked at me with a worried face.

"What happened?" Ms. Frost asked as she approached me.

"Tell 'er." Jack said, now leaning on the wall and looking away from us. "Tell 'er about Hans." Anna seemed to become furious and Dad immediately walked up to me with a protective look on his face. Anna almost ran up to me then Ms. Frost stopped them both.

"Tell us. Before both lose their cool." Ms. Frost looked at me with the most caring eyes... that's one thing I liked about her. Unlike my family, who is ready to attack before anything, Jack's takes a calmer approach.

"Hans... tried to...rape me again." My words came out slowly and faded as every word slipped out of my mouth.

"WHAT!?" My Dad's holler filled the house and scared us, even Jack was startled a bit. "I'll kill him." He walked to the couch and left up the part of the rug nearest to it. Then he lifted a piece of the floors wood and pulled out a shot gun.

"Whoa, Dad, wait," I said but he was already headed for the door. Anna followed behind. "Anna where are you going?"

"To kill Hans with Dad."

"No. Guys. I said he tried to rape me." I ran up to them trying to make the turn to me. "Jack saved me. He beat his ass again so you don't have to do anything to him."

They all sort of relaxed when I said this. My dad turned to look at Jack. Jack looked at the ground. Everyone stared at him for a second.

"Jack, I thought you promised you wouldn't fight anymore." Ms. Frost looked worried as she walked up to him.

"I know," He said. "But Elsa was in trouble." He looked at me with a caring expression then at his mom. "Didn't you tell me I had to protect the people I care about?" His mother's eyes widened, as if something had clicked in her head. She then beamed and put her hand on his face. She had a happy look in her eye.

"Yes, Jack," She said with a proud tone. "And you keep on fighting for them." Ms. Frost turns to my family and I. "We should let this go. Han's was dealt with and Elsa is safe." My dad's face became red with rage.

"So what!?" He shouts, letting his voice echo off the walls. "Han's has disrespected this family one too many times! We can't just let hi-"

"So you want to go out there, beat up a kid and get arrested?" Ms. Frost made my dad freeze. He was still angry, you could tell by the way his eyebrows scrunched together.

"Fine." My dad returned to the spot by the couch and put the shot gun in the spot from before. He then walks up to me and hugs me. "Elsa, from now on, don't go anywhere near Han's. Avoid him as much as you can." My dad looked up at Jack with a serious face. "And if he does anything you go to Jack."

I looked up at Jack and, once again, he looked at me with a concerned and caring expression...

Why is he showing his sad face to me? Why is he opening up now?

I nodded at my dad, trying to give a reassuring smile. My dad nods to me as well then walks to my mom and they begin to walk up to their room.

"Jack," Anna finally speaks. "Promise me you'll tell me if something like that ever happens again."

"Sure." He said without batting an eyelid. Anna then started for her room, leaving me and Jack alone once again. He and I just looked at each other, almost speechless. We didn't know what to say.

"Jack," I began walking towards him. "....Thanks... again." I redirected what I was really about time say. I didn't want to make everything awkward again by asking what he wanted to say again. He'd most likely would walk away saying he was tired or something. He hates repeating himself.

"Yea." He averted his eyes then walked up to me and patted my head, looking down at me with the most lustful look I've ever seen on any mans face. "I'm going to bed. Good night." He walked to the stares and turns to me, giving me the same stare as before. After staring for a while he went upstairs.

And I just stood there, wanting him to keep staring at me that way.

My Possesive Step-Brother [❄Jelsa❄]Where stories live. Discover now