Part 6: Home

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Dick's POV

They all just stared at me, speechless.
"Look," I said, "I know this must come as quite a shock. And I'm sorry for not letting you know I was alive, I just thought it best that you didn't know, then the league of shadows wouldn't know and I could continue with my plans secretly."
I sighed, "I know you're probably angry, so I'll just go, and come back when you're alright."
I turned to leave, but was stopped by someone grabbing me by the shoulder, turning me around and hugging me tightly. After my initial surprise, I hugged Wally back.
"I'm so glad you're alright," he said.
"So am I," I replied, smiling at him.
"I just have one question," he said, letting me go.
"Yes?" I asked
"When did you get taller than me?"
I laughed.
"I have no idea," I replied

I was then nearly knocked over by both M'gaan and Artemis, both of whom were crying.
"You idiot!" Artemis shouted at me, punching me hard on the arm, "Just don't do it again."
"Alright," I agreed, rubbing my arm where she had punched it.
I then hugged M'gaan, before being greeted by a barage of hugs, tears, questions, shouting and various other things. In the end, it was kind of hard to hear myself speak.

Eventually, everyone left, after making me promise to return the next day. This left me with Bruce, who hadn't spoken to me at all yet. I turned to him.
"Bruce," I began, "I'm sorry. I know I should have contacted you, let you know I was alright or something, I just thought it best that I…"
I was cut off by a hug from him, which I gratefully returned.
"We have a lot of catching up to do," he told me, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Yes, we do," I agreed, smiling

We caught up on the way back to the Manor, Bruce driving and me sitting beside him in the Batmobile, I having put my mask back on in order to surprise Alfred.
"So, after me, there were 4 other Robin's?" I clarified
Bruce nodded, "first there was Jason Todd who was killed by the Joker before being resurrected by Ra's Al Guhl and becoming Red Hood, then there was Tim Drake, who became Red Robin. He still lives at the Manor. Then Stephanie Brown who is the current Batgirl, and finally there's Damian, my son.
"Son?" I asked
"It's a long story" he replied.

We soon arrived at the Batcave and Bruce and I hopped out. I was greeted by the sound of shouting and bickering, mixed in with a few obscene words, which I noticed came from a group of 3 boys. The oldest had a streak of white in his hair, wore a leather jacket and black combat boots. The middle one wore a modified version of the Robin suit, a completely red one, and had black hair. The youngest was attempting to bite the oldest who was the one shouting.

"What's going on here?" I asked loudly, crossing my arms and giving them my version of the Batglare. They stopped bickering and stared at me.
"Father," the youngest asked, addressing Bruce so I assumed he must be Damian, "who is this heathen?"
"Yeah," the oldest, Jason I assumed, said, "You can't just let strangers into the Batcave!"
"I'm not a stranger," I told them
"Well, who are you then?" the middle one, Tim, asked.
"He's Dick Grayson." Bruce told them.
They were all quiet for a second. Note, 1 second.
"But I thought he was dead!"
"How did you find him?"
"Where have you been?"
They all shouted at once
"I am most certainly not dead," I told them, "I've been running a covert operation team for the last 3 years."
"Did you know about this?" Jason asked Bruce, "because if you did I'll.."
He was cut off by Bruce, "No, I didn't. I only found out he was alive a few hours ago."

"Master Bruce," came the British voice of Alfred from behind us, "you did not inform me we would be having a guest."
I smiled, "I'm not actually a guest, Alfie."
He seemed surprised. I was the only one who had called him that.
I went forwards and hugged him tightly.
"I missed you Alfie," I whispered.

726 words

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