CHAPTER 4:❣Words aren't just Enough❣

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Erik's hand traveled the left side of his bed expecting to feel a warm touch.All he felt was the cold sheet of the bed.Nathan wasn't sleeping next to him.As Nathan's absence snapped Erik awake,he sluggishly open his eyes.He sat up straight and look around his room,analyzing any signs of Nathan.Where is he?

His search continued but didn't find anyone in the house.Not like he tried looking for his mother,he didn't want to waste his time looking for that woman.She could've gone to work.

Could he have gone home?He could've told Erik that or leave a note or even a message that he went home.Although at this time he could be at school.It was unfortunate that Erik wasn't sure about that.For the event that occurred hours ago...was he able to even show up at that place?

Erik finally decided that he should call him instead.At first he dialed his number but didn't pick up.Second time he tried but still the same,left with a voicemail.His fifth and last time,he prayed that he could pick up,his bent index finger from his left hand stuck between his teeth to gain some patience.

"Fuck!"He cursed,throwing his phone to the far end of the sofa as he let his body fall onto it.He then stare into the nothingness as
he attempts to remember something.In his sleep he heard voices,but to whom they belonged he doesn't know.

Erik just set there quietly as he shut his eyes...

Rush to..r-rush..."RUSH WHERE?!Ugh!"He he arises from the sofa,screaming his lungs out as he failed to recall what the voice was saying.

He tried another way,sending him a text.

Nathan where are you and
why aren't you picking my

Deplorably,the five minute wait was a waste.Erik thought for a moment and he remembered that he had Kein's phone number.He dialed it right away. 


"Ey Erik,what's up?"

"More like 'where's Nathan'?Is he home?He's not picking my calls and...I'm worried."He admitted with a sigh,pacing back and forth.

"Oh he isn't...he's at the hospital."

"What?!What happened to him?!"He demanded for an answer as he raced upstairs to his room,putting the phone on loudspeaker tossing it on the bed as he dressed up.

"Nooo!Nothing happened to him,but to someone else."Kein's voice sounded unsure to even tell him.


"Mr Parker...he was in a car accident."Just when he thought he had suffer enough pain.Erik paused and said no word,his eye dripping a single tear.It might happen that we switch words in sayings,such as 'Actions speak louder than words'...for Erik...Words break one than fists.What Kein had told Erik was more painful than an open wound.You see,in this case words are like actions.They stab like a knife in the chest.

"Erik?Hey Erik are you still there?E-"

"The address.Now."

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