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Dear LoveyBoos💜

I would like to apologize to you all for my sudden disappearance and all my books being onhold.It was never my intention as I only blame that thing called 'School'🤧

Ah yes...since that day I last published a chapter in MFL was the last day I ever got a 'Day Off'.You see,in my school once you make it to senior year say goodbye to good ol holidays and weekends since you'll be almost spending the rest of the year in school🧘‍♂️

Sad to say but new chapters of all my books will be published in December,that's when I'll be free as a bird and keep on updating like I used to.Patience,loves...patience☝😌


All I'm asking is for you all is to not give up on My Found Love and not give up on Nathan as you can see that he...wants to give up on himself😖

Please support him🙏

Lastly...gosh...thank you so much for the reads and follows and also for the comments tehe🤭.I see that MFL is loved by many,this obviously means...'Why the fuck will I give up on writing?!'

It always stays with me in my heart that I'll never dare quit on this book...and never dare stop loving you all.Because of you...damn I'm getting a bit emotional here🤦Let me not ruin your day with my sappy sadness🤗

Now enjoy your lives people!Always know that no matter what,you're always loved!By me and by MANY!

Yours beloved

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