Chapter 12

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"W-what?" Tae laughed nervously, "Don't joke about that, hyung." He felt a hand wrap around his own. "I'm not." Yoongi looked him dead in the eyes, "I'm in love with you."

Taehyung was flabbergasted. He'd known Yoongi for so long, yet had never even thought that he would ever feel such a thing towards him, knowing his long history of dating only beautiful women.

"B-but, I thought you were straight?" He shrugged, "I thought so too. But if I was really straight, I woudn't have so much fun staring at your ass." Yoongi smirked, eyeing the side of Taehyung rear. He suddenly got self-conscious and started squirming in his seat. "U-uhm, but e-even so I-"

"I know you like Jungkook." Tae's face bursted into a red hue. "What! Uhm, how did yo-"

"It was pretty obvious by the way you acted around him." Yoongi sighed, "Even so, I don't care if you like each other, because I'm sure I like you more than the guy who abandoned you to marry your childhood friend."

Tae couldn't help but focused on Yoongi's words. "Hyung, you're misunderstanding something," he laughed bitterly, "Jungkook doens't like me like that." Yoongi shook his head, "No man not in love would look at you the way he does."

Taehyung was confused. Jungkook liked him? No way. Jungkook has never said nor done anything to even hint at the fact that he'd like him. Sure, they are more physical with each other than most normal friends, but Jungkook and him were always the clingy type.

Besides, he's marrying Lisa.

Taehyung shook his head, "Look, hyung. I'm grateful for your feeling for me..." Yoongi frowned, "..but you can't ever reciprocate them." Taehyung nodded sadly, "I'm sorry. I don't want to lead you on with false hope."

Yoongi lets go of his hands and smiled, "That's alright. I knew this rejection was coming sooner or later. Just thought I'd get it over with before I fell too hard."

Silence followed his voice. " you still like him that much?" Tae nodded, "Even as he's about to marry your friend?" Once again, he nodded. "My feelings are the only things I can't control, if you couldn't tell." They both chuckled, "Guess you do have a flaw."

"...I think it would be best if I leave now." Tae trailed. Yoongi gazed at the ground, the tears he tried so hard to contain brimming his eyes, "Yeah. I'd like it if you do. Sorry this wasn't much of a break for you."

Tae smiled gently, "I'll be fine, hyung. Thank you."


"Taehyung-ah. I called the bakery and they said that they're willing to give us a refund for 100 of the cakes!" Jimin smiled happily, hugging his friend. Tae tried his best to look just as happy, relieved at least one problem was fixed.

Jimin relaxed his hug, feeling the awkward atmosphere around his friend. "Tae? What's wrong?"

"Yoongi...confessed to me." Taehyung could see the heartbreak in Jimin's eyes. "Ah...really? T-that's soo- uhm..." he stammered. Tae knew how much Jimin liked Yoongi, his heart ached from seeing his friend attempting to stay cheerful.

"I rejected him." he quickly said. Jimin's lips quivered, trying to hide a smile. "Oh, uhm. I guess that's why he hasn't come back yet." Tae shrugged. "It's to make things less...awkward." he lied. Jimin nodded in understanding, "If I were in his shoes I'd do the same." except now Taehyung knew Jimin would never even attempt to confess.

Tae looked at the left over cakes, "Guess that means we've still got 50 of them to spare." he sighed, "At least we don't need to worry about our budget."

Jimin perked up, "Actually, I've got an idea for that! Why don't we share them with the staff? Give them a bonus for their hard work." Tae smiled, squishing his friend in a tight hug, "Jiminie~ You're so smart~"

"Yes yes. What would you ever do without me~" Jimin chimed. "Well I'd probably not order 300 cakes for starters~" Jimin gasped playfully.

Suddenly, large arms wrapped around them in a familiar hold, "I also want hugs~" Jungkook whined. "Ya! Why do you always appear when we're hugging?" Jimin sneered, pushing himself out of the tight embrace.

Jungkook wrapped his empty hands on the side of Taehyung's waist, resting his chin on his shoulder from the side as he pouted at Jimin. "You guys always leave me behind~" Taehyung had to force his heart to calm down from the sheer sound drumming in his ear. Jungkook was acting cool, when in reality he was panicking on whether to let go or not. He decided against the latter, instead resting his head horizontally in a confortable state.

Jimin looked at his two friends in a blank stare. If anyone was always left behind, it would be him. But he'll forgive his cheeky dongsaengs for now, opting to become the adult. "Yes yes, we leave you out a lot. Sorry~" he said monotonously.

He soon got tired of looking at the two men's shy blushing face as they openly flirted and borderline cheating on Lisa so he made an excuse of going to find Yoongi.

Once alone, the two sat down on the bench, Jungkook's head still resting on Tae's shoulders with closed eyes. Tae giggled, "Did Lisa drained your energy today?" Jungkook nodded grimly. "Why do we need to choose the colour of a limo?? Aren't they usually black?" he sighed, "And in the end she chose black anyway."

"You know how she is. Always a bit controlling." Tae smiled, "But you wouldn't love her if she wasn't like this." He took Jungkook's silence as a silent agreement. Breathing in the fresh air of the outdoors.

That's right. He loves her, and Yoongi just misunderstood their relationship. He wasn't a girl like Lisa; pretty, knows exactly what she wants, confident, and brave. He was a coward that hooked up his own crush with his friend in fear he'd leave him if he didn't tie him down.

"Tae..." Jungkook whispered. Taehyung hummed in response, finally feeling a little bit at ease with his emotions. "What if I...was in love with somebody else?"

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