Break My Heart: 2

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I didn't want to be with anyone else. She got under my skin and in my veins. She was too alluring. It was like she put a spell on me and I sort of felt ashamed because I knew she didn't want feelings involved so I hid them away as best as I could.


"Hey, where's Asmo? He's supposed to help me with some stuff tonight!" Mammon shrilled. "What kind of stuff" Lucifer questioned. "N-none of ya business!" Mammon mumbled. "He's up in the Human world with that girl again." Satan answered, not looking up from the book he was reading. "Wow! That's the 2nd full weekend this month." Leviathan exclaimed. "Yeah, what's up with that? Why does ASMO get ta go to the human world, huh? Ya don't let me go there!" Mammon complained. "That's because Asmo doesn't try to steal priceless human artifacts or rob banks and cause havok while up there!" Lucifer scowled. Mammon just shrugged and plopped down on the couch. "What's up with him and that Y/N girl anyway?" He asked. "Apparently Solomon introduced her to him. She's one of his friends. Says she's a lot Like Asmo and wanted to see how they'd get along." Satan interjected, this time setting his book down. "Its odd, Asmo usually doesn't hang around a partner for this long. He must actually like this one." He said rubbing his chin.

The brother shared confused looks. Satan was right. Asmo had never stuck with a partner for more than a few romps here and there. He seemed to be rather fond of this girl if it meant going to the human world as often as he did. "Well, who's to say that he isn't hooking up with other people while he's up there? Maybe he's leaving behind a trail of broken hearts. That could be a problem, huh Lucifer?" Mammon asked slyly. "Yes, but still not half as bad as you, Mammon. Nice try though." Lucifer smirked.

"I don't think so..." Beel spoke, entering the room. "I always see him on his D.D.D. giggling and taking pictures. I asked him about it before. Its always 'Y/N said this or Y/N sent that.' Y/N, Y/N, Y/N... She's all he ever seems to talk about." Beel smiled. He seemed happy for his older brother. "Hmm...good for him I guess." Belphie shrugged. "Maybe we'll get to meet her. If he really does like her, we're bound to run into her eventually." He finished as he dozed off to sleep. "Well, anyone who catches Asmo's attention has gotten mine as well. She must really be something." Lucifer answered.


So many grueling hours rehearsing. Its starting to become too much. More and more shows, more and more fans, more Ralph yelling, and more Spencer.... Of all people. He was becoming a nuisance. He had bumped into Asmo once or twice at this point and had become extremely jealous. For what reason? I don't know. I never touched the guy, how can someone be jealous over someone they never had? I wouldn't know, I'm not the jealous type so I guess its possible.

"Hey there beautiful!" Asmo sang as he barged into my dressing room with a large bouquet of roses to congratulate me on another good show. He has been so supportive these past few months. At this point it was obvious that he had caught feelings, but wouldn't admit it. Honestly, I started to feel the same. He was always bringing me gifts, treating me like a queen. It wasn't desperate like most guys so it felt...nice.

"Hi, Asmo. Did you enjoy the show?" I asked tiredly. He brought the flowers to my makeup table and set them down gently. "I did. I always do. You look tired." He whispered as he pulled my hair to the side and kissed my neck. I smiled faintly. "I am tired." I sighed. "Here, give me your brush." I handed it to him and he began to brush my hair. It felt so soothing. He cared so much for me and I cared for him too. He was always there when I needed him. Its like he knew. I closed my eyes and enjoyed this sweet moment between us. "How about we go back to the apartment? I'll mix you a drink and draw a nice warm bath and we can soak together. Will that help you relax?" 'Ugh... He is perfect!' I thought to myself. So we did just that.


It didn't take long after our bath for Y/N to fall asleep in my arms. She has been taking on too much lately. I know she loved performing, but why at this club? I didn't know. I'd have to take her to Devildom so she could perform at The Fall. They would just love her there! They would treat her the right way...

There was a sudden knock at the door, it was quite loud and frantic. I sighed and made my way to open it. I didn't want to wake Y/N up. She needed her rest. When I opened the door I was face to face with that ugly kid from the club. "Uuuh.... Can I help you?" I asked annoyed. "I knew it!! I knew Y/N brought you back here! Why you??" He exclaimed. "Who are you again?" I asked slyly. Of course I knew who he was but I wanted to rile him up a little. He was being incredibly rude after all. "Spencer!" He seethed through his teeth. "Ah... Yeah, right. Sorry kid, Y/N is sleeping and I don't plan on waking her. Uh... Go away!" I shooed him off and slammed the door on his face.

Little did I know... That was the worst mistake I could have made.

Obey Me: Little Random Scenes And ThoughtsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin