Part 2

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Dick's POV
In order to set up a large, covet operation team, one needed two things: Money and a base.
Money wouldn't be much of a problem, thanks to my brilliant hacking skills and Bruce and Ollie's bank accounts. I was sure they wouldn't miss a couple million, right? Base options on the other hand? Not so easy. It had to be somewhere secret, somewhere no one would or could get to. And I wasn't going to hang out in some abandoned wearhouse like the villains I was trying to take down. So I thought about islands. Ones that were far away from shores and not easily accessible. They had to be large enough to build buildings that would be able to house a couple of hundred people. I did vaguely remember learning about an uninhabited island in the middle of the Pacific ocean, Terminal island.
'Fitting name' I thought.

All that was left was the team.
'Time to get recruiting'

Wally's POV

It had been two years. Exactly two years to the day since I had lost my best pal. One year since he had been officially declared dead. You probably would expect me to say oh no, I don't believe he's dead. I think he's still out there somewhere, just struggling to get free and return. But I don't. I lost hope a year and a half ago, when Batman lost the weak signal from Robin's tracker. If the Batman wasn't able to find Robin, no one would. After that, I just sort of snapped. I lost who I was as a person. I forgot how to laugh, how to enjoy myself, how to be happy. I distanced myself from others, in a constant state of mourning and depression. It wasn't until three months ago that I gradually started coming back to life.

It happened for one of the reasons least expected. It wasn't because I started getting over it, or that people help me through it (although they did try). It was because Artemis, my girlfriend and the love of my life, threatened to break up with me and leave me forever if I didn't get my "head out of where the sun don't shine and actually live!"
That really woke me up. Another thing she told me was that Dick wouldn't have wanted me to stop living when he did. He would want me to go and live my life for him, not die with him. So I did. I tried my best, and gradually became myself again, began to laugh more. The deep bags under my eyes faded away and my step regained its bounce. I joined the team again and stated going on missions. I still missed Dick, but I was now living my life for him, so I couldn't let him down.

469 words

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