Chapter 17

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Jungkook is the first to enter their house followed behind by Taehyung.
Directly after Tae closes the door he was pulled towards a hard rock chest and embrace by strong arms.

-I should be mad at you Jk state placing a little kiss on Tae's forehead. But I can not... I'm too happy you are my mate. Kookie smile tightening his grip on our bear waist.

-I'm sorry I hide you that... Tae announced looking down and chewing his lips.

-It's okay, just promise not to hide me anything.

-I promise Kookie.

Tae jumps on Jungkook arms and attached his legs on Jk's waist.

-Do you still have questions? Tae asked while Jungkook is moving them to the living room. There is sit on the sofa and place his baby on his laps.

-If you haven't had your accident will you have told me?

Tae bits his lips again and looks away but Jk turns back is head so they can face each other.

-To be honest, I didn't find myself good enough for you. So I thought of not telling you.

-I'm the one who is not good enough for you baby.

-That's not true!!! I planed of breaking up with you so you will not be with someone like me. immediately after those words being pronounced Jungkook tighten. But Jimin and my mom make me realize that I should not be afraid of what will happen and seeing you every day makes me want to stay with you for my whole life and more. I would have told you one day.

Jungkook remains silent for a while processing what he heard. These past weeks have been really challenging to our Kookie, learning news one after the other.

He really needs a break of all that but he all so want to clear everything before his birthday in 2 days.

Out of tiredness die to all the rest stress he has been facing with his birthday preparation and recent royal duties which are extremely difficult and stressful enough and now this

Our Jungkook crack.

Tears start filling his eyes running down to his cheek. Starting from being few to gradually be heavier.

Taehyung takes him in his arm letting Jungkook cry on his chest.

-I-I am... Ah... Jungkook sobs with a crack voice. I am tired of being strong... P-please don't l-leave m-me... Ahh...  He holds Taehyung as if his life depends on it scare to lose him if he let go.

-I'm here, I'm not going anywhere. I promise. You can cry as much as you want Baby.

After those words Jungkook complete bust in tears.

Sobbing and crying, he lets out all his stress and anxiety accumulated lately reliving the tons of weight from his shoulders.

Taehyung continues to comfort him by caressing his hair and back. He restricts himself from talking cause he knows what Jungkook needs right now is him listening and just being there.


"I'm telling you, a male omega!!!

-You sure?

-Yes!!! Jungkook finds his mate


-Aish I so stupid. I'm sorry Heejin. I didn't mean to hurt you. Please forgive me

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