Until Next Time - Part 2

Start from the beginning

To... a village at least.

It was a fairly small village, quiet and reserved. Many of the villagers were inside their homes, curiously looking through their curtains to eye the crew.

The crew didn't want to go into the village, it ruined their whole "avoid anybody and everybody" plan. But this village was right outside the rumored forest.

And if the forest truly was magical, then the crew didn't want to risk spending a night in there. They could get hurt and they definitely didn't need someone injured.

While they were in the village, the crew could see a bit of the forest.

It was just a hundred feet away from the village. Rich tall trees looked down at the village, casting a shadow from the setting sun. Although it didn't look magical, the forest was still beautiful, even from the outside.

The leaves and greenery were a lush green. Stray flowers calmly scattered on the forest ground as birds flew into the area. They had seen a doe at the forest entrance, standing in the middle of a dirt path that looked like it hadn't been used much.

"Look," Minerva pointed over at a building with a sign reading, "Inn". The knight motioned for the others to follow, "We could stay there for the time being."

"I'll join in a bit, I have to find a stable for Lucy," Evgenia said.

Victor nodded, "I'll come with you."

As they split, with the others following Minerva into the inn and Victor going with his sister, they all could feel the tension in the village.

They were newcomers.

Newcomers in a land that was on the verge of war.

Omis followed the siblings quietly, still under the disguise of being invisible. They couldn't really risk letting Omis into the inn. He might knock something over with his large frame.

Those in the inn might suspect either magic or a ghost.

So, it was best if he was put in the stable... Of course they were going to have to get a big room for Lucy and Omis.

Thankfully, even though the stable worker was rather confused and timid of the siblings, they were allowed a big stall. It was wide enough to allow both the horse and wolf in there... As long as they didn't move much.

Omis walked in a circle before laying in a pile of hay in the corner, ignoring the horse's annoyed whine. Lucy looked back at Evgenia and Victor, almost as if to question their state of mind.

The siblings could only sigh and walk away.

They all were too tired to deal with anything else that day.

A while week and a half of silent but panicked traveling really drains one's energy.

As they left the stable, Evgenia froze as something whispered in her ear.

It was faint, almost like a soft humming from far away.

The witch shook her head, she must be going crazy from the lack of sleep.

She ran to catch up with Victor.

While the siblings walked through the silent village lacking energy, a figure peeked through the gray curtains on their window. Their dark eyes grew into slits as they squinted in suspicion.

"Mages," They muttered, "I've been around long enough to know right away."

There was another person there, one who hid in the shadows away from the view of anybody who dared to look in, "What kind?" Their voice wasn't bitter, not full of malice or hate. No, it was genuine curiosity with a hint of concern.

"I'm not sure about the two in the cloaks," The first one said, their voice gruff and old, "But I'm going to assume the two that look alike are witches. They have that look."


"Serious and stern only to hide the fact that they have absolutely no clue what they're doing," The voice explained, still watching the siblings make their way into the inn. He could only assume they were siblings, their resemblance was uncanny. "Though, the boy looks a lot more nicer than the girl."

The other one sighed, leaning against a wall, "I'm sure they're just tired. We all are... Renaisse is a mess right now." They pushed their glasses up their nose, frowning at their feet. "If they really are mages, I hope they leave the kingdom soon. Renaisse is no place for a mage."

The one looking through the window hummed in agreement, watching the two witches disappear into the inn building. He stared at where they once were for a moment before stepping away.

Hopefully they would be leaving soon. If not, then let's hope the forest is willing to protect them.

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