"Pick a team!"-Nat said and hid in one of the walls.

"I am going with Clint!"-Tony said and lift his hands in surrender.

"Traitor!"-Stephen said and took a gun from the other shelf.-"I am with Nat!"

"Remember no use of special powers!"-Some nodded.-"Let the war BEGIN!"-Steve yelled and took his gun and shield.

Peter smiled as the teams started to fire against each other.Covered in paint from the paintball guns.

Voices and offensive words being thrown all around the room.Peter dodged all the paintballs with his sixth sense making some of the guys wonder how was he doing that.

"Who is the new guy!"-Tony asked hiding behind a wall.

"Will you kill us If we tell you?"-Pietro asked with puppy eyes.

Tony thought a little.-"Depends!"

"Your intern we stole him from you this afternoon!"-Clint said and a paintball hit his face.It was from Tony.

"Hi Mr.Stark!"-Peter said from the corner he was hiding.


"It was my idea!"-Wanda said from the spot she was hiding.

"And I was the one to suggest it!"-Pietro also said shooting the other team.

"They where nice to me Mr.Stark!They only wanted to play a little!"-Peter said and almost got hit by an angry Sam.

"We argue about this later!"-He said looking at Clint.

-After a dreadful war.

Everyone is standing in the floor too tired to shoot one more ball.Bucky was to tired to even open his mouth.Silence and small giggles had filled the room for two mothertucking hours.

"Who will do the cooking tonight!"-Stephen asked still in the ground besides Tony.

"We order junk!"-Steve said his face against the floor yo tired to move it.

"I suggest junk food and movie...We have a new friend here!"-Nat said her shoulders agains a random wall at her font.

"I won't stay...Mr.Stark said..."-Peter stoped by Nat closing his mouth.

"Mr.Stark has no right above me!"-Nat said.-"You are staying!"

"She liked you!"-Pietro whispered-yelled from the ground he was resting.

"Do you guys do this often?"-Peter asked.

Bucky Sam and Clint groaned.

"Every week.It can help like training and something!"-Steve said from the ground.

"He is like a lecturing grandpa don't ask more questions or he will start to teach you morals."-Tony huffed.

Peter laughed.It was the most adorable thing ever.-"I know how that feels...I listen to your PSA in detentions..."

Clint and Pietro erupted in laughter.

"They still have those?!"-Steve groaned from the floor.

"Funny!"-Tony said stoping his git laughter.-"Wait you get detentions!"-He yelled.

Peter scratched his head innocently.-"Sometimes!"

"So you got detention!You screwed up!"-Steve said from the ground making everyone laugh again.

"Food Is ready!"-Friday said and Everyone took all their power to sit up.

Bruce was helped from Thor and Wanda took Peter with her powers.

"To the couches!"-Thor cheerlead the way to the living room.

"No you are all dripping paint!"-Stephen said but it was to late everyone found a place to cuddle in and took some pizza and fries.

Peter sat between Tony and Nat in the large sofa.-"What movie are we watching?"-Nat asked.

"Let Ben choose!"-Clint said.

Everyone agreed and Peter stood in silence for a while.-"Ermm...Star Wars?"

"Never seen that!Friday put Star Wars in the TV!"-Tony said and pulled a blanket for Peter and one for Nat.

-After the film and food...

Bucky and Steve where fast asleep in the ground cuddling in each other.

Stephen had went to sleep minutes ago.

Wanda Pietro and Clint had fallen asleep in the big couch a blanket in top of them.

Sam was hanging in a hammock also asleep food still in his hand.

Bruce and Thor had also slept since the first 10 minutes in the film.Glasses still on and food in their hands.

Peter had his head sitting in Tony's lap and his other parts over Nat who was also asleep from tiredness.Tony was the only one to finish the film.

"Hey Ben!Benjamin..."-Tony whispered.

"Shhhhhhh!"-Clint said from the other side.-"The kids are asleep!"

"What am I supposed to do!"-Tony said.

"Sleep in a couch tonight!"-Clint whispered and went back to playing with Pietro's and Wanda's hair.

Tony looked at Peter's curly brown hair he had that urge to play with them.He couldn't stop it so he started to play with them.

Peter shifted a little but was still asleep.Tony stoped but Peter murmured something in his sleep.-"Don' stop dad..."

The voice was fainty but Tony and Clint heard it.-"That happens with Pietro and Wanda too...When-they are sleep deprived they call me dad too..."-Clint said and looked the two innocent kids sleeping in his lap.

It was them when he considered spending more time with Peter.Tony played with Peter's hair all night until he also feel asleep.


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