Wrong Number (part 2)

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  It had been a week and Tony and Peter were close. Natasha was really suspicious about Tony. He smiled, slept and even ate! Whenever he put down his phone, he was smiling, so she decided to borrow his phone and see what made him smile so much. She started reading his last conversation with a kid named Peter.

Hey Mr. Old!
Did you know what a wave said to another?
   Mr. Old
Water you doing??

Nothing, they just waved.
Did you sea what I did there?

Mr. Old

Don't be a beach and stop stealing my jokes

  Mr. Old
Why are you so salty?

K I gotta do homework

Mr. Old
Bye kid

Natasha put down the phone. So this is what made Tony be more healthy. Interesting. She quickly added the number to her phone and created a groupchat.

What is this?
ArE yOu PeDoS?
Or KiDnApPeRs?
I'll go pack, and be outside in 5.

Relax, kid. We're friends with Mr. Old.
Which reminds me, DO NOT TELL YOUR REAL NAMES.
You can call me Nat.

Ok mrs. Nat!!
༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ✫⁂

  Can we keep him?
  Also, call me Scarlett

You can call me Arrow

Call me Steeb

You can call me wings
Call me Pep

You can call me Silver
Call me Dr

Like Dr. Banner?
The most amazing scientist in the whole world that has 7 PhDs??
The greatest dr in gamma radiation?
The guy whose books are revolutionary??
Like him??
ArE yOu A fElLoW fAn?
We are three with Ned!!!

 Mrs. Scarlett
 You don't know how happy he is r/n
 He is legit curled up in a ball crying

Oh no! I'm sorry if I hurt you Dr!!

No, you didn't hurt me kid I'm just a big fan of his and I love that you compared me  to him:)

    Mr. Old
Oh no, tell me you didn't

Hi Mr. Old!
I met your friends!


Tony sighed as he put the phone down. Wanda looked at him dead in the eye and said "He's too precious and pure for this world. Must protect at all costs" and continued texting happily.

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