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Aaaah, to start with the classic field trip.
Peter was in a bad mood. He was supposed to go on a field trip with a surprise location, but he had to stay with his adoptive dad making a project. The project was an air filter that used a magnetic field to absorb all the carbon dioxide around it and then turn it into oxygen, clearing the pollution of the air. Kind of like a tree for cities with high level of pollution. He spent two whole days working on it, and whenever he thought he got it right, he went down to the intern labs to test it. A week had passed, he still couldn't find the error and he was growing more stressed every minute. On top of that, he couldn't remember the last time he slept, so he was becoming increasingly irritated, reason why he had his phone on silent.

POV swap

Ned had called Peter 20 times, spammed his texts and even sent him emails and he still didn't answer. They were going on a field trip to SI and Peter didn't know. He hoped that the arachnid would be working in his lab, so that they didn't see him, but with his Parker Luck it wasn't exactly possible.

   They arrived to the lobby and were greeted by a red haired girl.
-Hi! My name is Emma and I'm your tour guide for today!- She then proceeded to explain the different levels and badges, when Flash asked -Do you have high-school interns?- -We only have one, whom we call Junior or Mini-Boss. He is Mr. Stark's personal intern and the heir to SI-

Flash's smug look faded. That couldn't be Peter, could it?

They arrived to the intern labs and started watching the cool tech the interns were working with. When the elevator's doors opened, they saw curly haired teenager with spiderman pj's. He was holding a ball of metal in his arms and had a camera around his neck.
-Junior! How you doin' man! Where have you been?
-Bro, I think I got it this time. Wanna come watch? And Clint Barton, do not even think of turning me into a meme again.

A groan was heard from the vents, followed by loud shuffling.
-You sure it won't explode this time? Like, 100% sure?
Asked an intern with blue hair.

-Ok then.
They entered a room with windows, bulletproof, apparently, and placed the ball in a table. Mini-boss (which Ned and MJ guessed it was Peter) configurated the spherical machine and threw himself to the ground along with the other interns. A purple field surrounded the ball and, after some sucking sounds, it disappeared.

-Holy fuck. Oh my God. I did it. I DID IT, SUCKERS!!

Peter shouted as he left the room. -WHAT THE HELL IS PENIS PARKER DOING HERE?!

Shouted Eugene. Some interns gasped, they knew how Peter could be when tired.
-He called Mini-Stark... oh, he is SO dead right now.
Peter froze, turned around, paled and then flashed a smile.
-Oh! What a delight to find you here!

He walked towards Flash, grabbed him by the shirt and lifted him, his eyes as cold as ice.
-Listen, Eugene. I can deal with your shit in school, but not in MY company. So if you ever dare to even look at me the wrong way again, I swear I will make your life a living hell. Ok?

Flash paled -y-yes- he whispered. Mrs. Alvarez, didn't quite connect the dots yet, so she said
-Parker, how dare you to threaten such a perfect student, unlike you, who lies about having an internship at SI-
Peter, who was sleep-deprived, glared at her and said
-Mrs. Alvarez, with all due respect, nI have to correct your whole sentence. First, I'm Mr. Stark, not Mr. Parker. Second, having to pay off your teachers to pretend you have good grades, isn't being a perfect student. And last, but not least, my internship is more real than your PhD, I'm the fucking heir to this company, so stop fucking saying that I don't have a damn internship.
That left everyone in shock. Peter, the shy, antisocial, respectful kid, just stood up to his bully and his teacher. Putting his sunglasses on, he flashed a peace sign and a smirk and left the room like he owned it (he did, actually), a trick he learnt from Tony.

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