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To say Peter was mad is an understatement. He was furious. Flash had "revealed" himself as Spider-Man. All the Avengers believed him! So now Peter had to deal with people telling "Thank you, Flash!" When he rescued them and with Flash being an extra huge asshole. Yeah, Peter had all the rights to be mad. Ned and May told him to appear in the same room as Flash and do tricks and stuff, but Peter said no to that. He would let Flash have his glory for only two weeks, if the Avengers hadn't realized by then, then they were big idiots.

    Today they were going on a field trip to a history museum in Washington D.C and Peter was super exited. "Ned, it's be super cool to be in Washington without having to be Spider-man!!" Peter whispered as they entered the building "Yeah, but Flash is being an ass, as usual, and telling everyone how he saved us in the elevator" (Let's just say Flash was afraid of heights and stayed down) Ned replied. Peter just shrugged and continued looking. Suddenly, the fire alarm ringed through the halls. Everyone ran towards the entrance and, when they were outside, they heard an old couple yelling "our Granddaughter! She is still trapped there!" Everyone stared at Flash except for Peter, who left without being noticed. He put his suit (he had made it of nanotech) and ran towards the building. Flash did the same, because he had to 'prove'he was Spider-man. When Peter entered, he saw Flash trying to lift a part of the roof that covered his path to the little girl. Peter lifted that thing and picked up the girl. Flash paled, but Peter gave the little girl to Flash. "Why?" He said. "I don't like the spotlight. You have one week" he said as he left through a window. Flash came out of the building with the little girl in his arms and people cheered and took photos. "What do you have to say, Danielle?" Said the old couple "He's not my Spider-Man" she answered as she hugged her grandma.

    Took off his mask and he heard "So... Spider-Man" he turned and saw THE Iron-Man in front of him. "Wha- me? Spider-Man? What? Nooo. I'm just a big... fan?" He stuttered nervously. "Oh, come on kid, I saw everything." Peter just paled and looked at him "y- what did you saw? There's nothing for you to see!" He tried lying again. "Ut was really obvious, I can't believe I didn't find you. Your uncle died and next week Spider-Man was on the streets, the same date as your grades dropped subtly. You have never been seen in a room with Spider-Man together, you stopped using glasses, going to the doctor, you are absent every time Spider-Man makes an appearance, you quitted almost every extracurricular activity and you always wear sweaters or hoodies, even in summer. I guess it's because you don't want people to notice that the nerdy, weak kid in their school is actually ripped." Peter looked at him wide eyed. "N-no, I'm not ripped. I- I umm... I get cold very easily?" "Kid, you seriously need to learn how to lie. Now I will ask you a question. Why didn't you prove that Flash wasn't Spider-Man? Especially after he made me fire you from SI" yes, Flash told Tony that Peter bullied him and Tony fired him, not before yelling at him. "W- well, I'm not Spiderman for attention. I'm spiderman because I want to save people. And yes, it hurt a lot when you fired and yelled at me, but I didn't care. As long as my identity is still a secret and I can still save people, everything is fine." Tony looked at him "you are truly amazing. I can't believe that I didn't notice that Thompson kid was lying" Peter blushed.

   After a few minutes of discussing, Peter agreed to put on his mask and appear next to Flash. Tony went first. He flew towards the Decathlon team. "Tony! Did you hear that I saved that little girl?" He said proudly. "Eugene, I am tired of your lies, I know you are not Spiderman. I followed your little lie because I didn't want to embarrass you. Yoh clearly aren't spiderman, kid. Spiderman and you were seen in a room together." Flash paled "wha- what? I am spiderman! I-" "kid, you don't even have a suit" everyone started to realize that, but then, spiderman came in "Hello! I am spiderman, for real. The reason I don't tell my identity is to save my lived ones. Being a superhero makes a lot of enemies." Someone shouted "Prove it!" So Peter did the most reasonable thing; he stopped a robber who was robbing discretely someone's purse. He shot a web,  backflipped towards him and caught his hands in webs. Everyone started laughing at Flash, and he, red of anger, took spiderman's mask off when he was busy giving back the purse to the woman. "P-Parker?!" "Aw, why would you do that man? That's not cool!" He said. "How- YOU ARE SPIDERMAN?!" yelled Flash. "I knew it!" said MJ. Everyone took some moments to realize that their weak classmate was actually Spiderman. "It was pretty obvious, actually. I am not very discreet. I make my web fluid in Chemistry class, I usually leave school just when spiderman makes an appearance, and my grades dropped a little the same week spiderman made his first appearance." "We get it, it was right under our noses. Wait, is that why you left the Decathlon team and you left Liz in homecoming? To save people?" Peter nodded and left with Tony to the Avengers compound. You wouldn't imagine the faces of two trained spies when they found out that they didn't know that a kid was lying under their noses.

992 words
{•a lazy potato•}

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