BENT S1 | Chapter 1: The Heiress

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Julia Freeman's POV

The limousine skidded past an old rusty truck in downtown Greenwich. It's been eleven years since she visited this place together with her parents. And now, with the scandal that has plague her family in recent months, her life had drastically changed in an instant.

In New York, the daily dose of gossip couldn't even be more juicier.

"The Freemans of New York are getting divorce"

"Meet the new new mistress of the Freeman Saga"

"Julia Freeman agrees to meet halfway with her Stepmom"

Another catchy headline of a New York Post .

"Freeman's new mistress is a bold political career move"

Crap! Being the daughter of a filthy rich parents is absolutely stressful.

Every paparazzo in the Upper East Side makes her life a living hell. She could not escape the media frenzy and so does her father- who is flaunting his mistress in social gatherings.  Frank Freeman later decided to send her off to her grandfather in Greenwich, Connecticut.

Eleven long years, and now she's alone. She'd never felt alone in her entire life not until now. Money cannot buy all the love and happiness in the world. As she kept remembering the fault lines of her life, her phone reverberated signaling an incoming call.

Her mother- Samantha Wilson Freeman. Scratch that, her mother would always tell her that she'd never fell in love with her father- so she's technically still a Wilson, heiress of Texas' largest pipeline US company. While her, the doting granddaughter is pampered with a trust fund from her deceased grandmother. Sometimes, she felt like her life is an entangled web of complicated mess.

You just need to keep up with being  WILSON. Rich, old money and a reputation to spend millions on philantropic activities. Most of the time, she need to be a FREEMAN. Self-made billionaire, being notoriously famous, and begrudgingly opportunistic

"Darling? Thank God you answered. How was your flight?" A sweet and loving voice can be heard in the other line. Samantha Wilson is the polar opposite of her father Frank.

Down-to-earth, loving and passionate in her charities.

"A little bit tired and worn out but I can manage."

Her family owns a gulfstream, to keep it low-key her father decided to let her fly early in the morning to escape the barrage of reporters whose hobby is to harangued her with personal questions.

Though she hates both her parents right now for her current situation, she doesn't have an ounce of energy to argue with her mother.

Besides, from now on- she will have the freedom she can enjoy, away from the clutch of her controlling parents. But mostly, it was her father.

"I am sorry my dear that you have to go through this, but your father had insisted and you know him- he can't just take his balls away from his mistress."

She winced as she heard her mother's incessant bickering. Lately, she had noticed how the stress from the divorce had taken a toll on her mother.

"Are you still there Julia?" A hint of worry is laced in her mother's voice.

Julia did not say a word on it, she's just too emotionally drained to be involved in her parents' dilemma. They're two consenting adults who knew what to do. And besides, why stay on marriage when both of you can't stand each other.

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