My heart runs on speed.

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  • Dedicated to kevin castro

My heart runs on speed.

It collects pain and distrust.

But with you I'm pleased.

I can't recall when I caved for your love.

It must have been recent because I still taste you just enough.

Our eyes haven't met not once.

I although can't stop gazing into what should be standing in my front.

My heart reeks of fear.

My mind rants of doubt.

But I can't help what I'm starting to feel.

Daily thinking of what you can make me do.

Dreaming of you and those small texts you send through.

The trust left I abuse on you every day.

I need to believe you're real.

Simply so I can fall madly in love and be your seal.



Yesterday it's all the same.

I wish that soon I'll get to see your face.

Until then I look upon your pictures and smile at you with wanting.

I secretly do share more than a liking. My all has gave itself to a stranger that I have began to adore.

The next day who knows what I'll have in store.

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