Youre a piece of shi!.

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Never thought I would add you to the collection of losers.  But here we are.
I don't want to get into details.  Not because your reputation but because I'm sick of crying over you.

Why am I bothering?  You know nothing of my feelings anymore or give a shit about making me feel better.
You worry about just you.  While you hurt and deceive who you say you love so dear.
But you're a piece of shit to me lets get that clear.

You have the chance to make it right but because you're selfish and only care for yourself you rather do it your way.

The others I don't care.  They knew they were losers and scum.  You on the other hand claim you're not. 
But yourselves to be a big thot.
The second your dirty self found someone who cared to tease you you fell for it.
Simply disgusting is what you are.
Claim to love me so much but had eyes and thoughts for a stranger.

Clearly I'm better than you.
My eyes and mind do not stray.  Even when your far, fat and don't know to even sweep the right way. 

All the pain of hearing you worry so much about me when you quickly fucked up. At work, where you are to help save ,only for me to be there with you. 
Such a terrible boy is what you are.  A cheater and a liar.  Had me paining over your childish emotional bullshit. Your verbal slandering. 
You're so stupid these words you probably don't even know.  I guess your mother didn't help you with your homework neither.  She just did it for you. 
Lazy and stupid.
Selfish and cruel.
A liar and a cheat.

You always randomly hurt me.
You still don't have to worry about me being a slut.  Now you should worry about me cutting you while you sleep.
Scum like you should have no rest.
I don't care if it was something small. 
It's still wrong and it hurts.
All you did was cause a mess.
I can't trust you while your away.  Your always away. I can't trust you at work.  You're a dirty cheat at work.
I can't trust you on the phone.  You shattered my heart on the phone.

I really don't like you.  If I wasn't in love you would be dead to me.
You should just be dead. 
Where we both agreed cheaters should be.

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