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         As the day comes to an end, I can see the sun sinking into the horizon, looking around as I'm taking in the fresh air as well as the surroundings. The laughter of other kids in the background along with the whining of Hippogriffs as they frolic through the skies above, sometimes I watch as they pass, but most, I dream of the day that I will fly with them. Coming to this new school would've been a good thing for me, well coming to this school is the best thing that's ever happened to me as for the wretched place where I use to take residence was with my alcoholic father. He never took a liking for me and blames me for the terrible incident that happened to my mother, I miss her more than anything and I wish she was here by my side to take on the world we live in today. I put my head into my knees as the sun submerges into complete darkness, the moon lay full as ever and the wind crisp. Hearing the sounds of footsteps behind me, I turn to see a figure talking, but I can't make out the face or the things it is saying. The world comes to a blur and slowly becoming lighter, I call out to the figure as they turn and walk away out of sight but it was too late, my eyes blink heavily to the rising sun. Then with the frustration of dreaming for my escape, I realize it was all just a dream.

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