#Drabbles 1.8

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I decided not to tell anything to Cagalli-sama. I contemplated for a while and I thought maybe for now I will just observe them from the side. Honestly, at first I was so leery toward Captain Zala for his real intention. However, as I watched them these past weeks, I could see how he really cares for Cagalli-sama. So, I determined myself to be silent.

Sometimes, I saw him being so sweet to Cagalli-sama with just a small gesture of giving her his jacket when the wind blows too hard or just asking her if she already had her meal. Even just when I saw him staring at her when she was giving a speech. I can see it, probably not only me, but all Cagalli-sama's personal aides can see it too. It was so clear and so hard to ignore.

I really hope for Cagalli-sama's happiness, if Captain Zala can give it to her, then maybe I and all of Cagalli-sama's fans should approve of him too.

ORB Parliament Secretary Office

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