Drabbles 1.4

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Yesterday, hime-sama called me to her office, she said she wanted to talk about something. Then, immediately I went to her office. When I came into the room she began her talk.

"So, Lia, I need a favor."
"Yes, ma'am, what can I do for you?"
"Well, you know prince Halsten from Scandinavia?"
"Hmm I've heard about him, he is one of your friend, if I'm not mistaken, ma'am?" Of course I know about him, he is the second one, the guy who has a love rumor with her.

"Well, he sent me a gift, he said he sent it here to the office, but, can you immediately sent it to my house after it arrives here. You know there are some rumors about us, and I don't want to make it more noisy than before."
"Alright ma'am."
"And can you make sure no one would know? Especially captain Zala."

I halted for a bit, taken aback for what she said. After I regained myself back I immediately answered her.

"Yes ma'am. Do you need anything else?"
"No, you can go." She shook her head and immediately back to her paperworks.

What did I just hear yesterday? She talked about Captain Zala! So they really has something going on between them right? But I still didn't see any ring on her finger. Oh no! I'm so curious, besides that, it seems prince Halsten is really took an interest for Cagalli-sama. I need to tell my friends! I have to ask them! Especially the one who works with Captain Zala.

06.08.77 CE
Orb Parliament, Secretary Office.

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