#Drabbles 1.6

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Okay, listen carefully, these can't get out from our circles or I'll be kicked out from my job. Promise with your life? I'm so sure now that they are in a relationship. Here is what happened at Scandinavia.

First of all, Captain Zala is not a quiet and cool person like everyone had said, he is a chatty person and a bit nagging too! I was behind them all the time, listening to his nag toward Cagalli-sama about everything! Yes, you heard me right, everything, from her attire, her meals to how she should behave. Am I sure? Of course I am, I don't know if he remembered that  I and the other two bodyguards were there, but he did let his guard down.

Second, the competition is so on. Definitely, Prince Halsten has a crush on our princess. He asked her to a short trip around Scandinavia and he is willing to be the personal guide. Well, of course Captain Zala didn't allow that. He said that,
"The Representative has a very busy schedule, if she has any leisure time, she needs to rest."
See? The competition is real guys!

Third, this one is so amazing! Well, I was planning on waking Cagalli-sama up to go to her next schedule on the list, but before I reached her room, I saw Captain Zala entered her room with a key!! Luckily, he didn't see me. Fiuuh, but how did he get it? Unless, Cagalli-sama give it to him, it was impossible to have the key, because every room always had two keys and I knew Cagalli-sama didn't give it to anyone else. I hesitated, I really want to know what happened but at the same time I was shocked too.  So, I just waited in the hallway and 15 minutes later Cagalli-sama came out from the room alone. She saw me and she looked a bit surprised but she regained herself back, smiling and immediately asked me to join her in a breakfast. I just nodded in agreement and 5 minutes later Captain Zala joined us too in the dining room. I tried to digest everything I just saw that time, so I just kept my mouth shut in the entire morning.

ORB Parliment Canteen
21.09.77 CE

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