"I noticed." Izuku mumbled as he picked up Nezuko and walked to his seat. Nezuko sat on his leg and she played with a small.... rubix cube? She's either bored or hella smart.

The day went on normally except for the stares and notes passing around. He can still read them thanks to his quirk. His quirk is so powerful he can feel the microscopic print of ink. Plus he found out he can sense ultraviolet and infrared. Pretty cool.

The lunch bell rang and everyone except for Izuku and Lena-Jade left. Nezuko began reaching for Izuku's scythe.

"Nezuko. What did I say about touching my Scythe. It's dangerous Lil un. I don't want you getting hurt. Understand?" He said. His coarse voice portraying worry.

"Aren't you going to eat with the others?" Called izuku.

"No." Her voice calm, cold yet soft and delicate.

"Mind saying why?" He questioned.

"No!" She says a little louder.

"My apologies. I meant not to intrude on your personal business."

At this Lena perked up. Since she got to U.A. people have been trying to pry into her life. Some of the boys cat called her. Some spread rumours. Though for whatever reason she can't help but feel comfortable around Izuku. For the first time someone respected her privacy.

Nezuko jumped of Izuku and headed straight to Lena. She looked into her dark blue eyes. Staring intently.

"Nezuko. Staring at strangers is considered rude." Izuku said.

Nezuko bowed slightly and walked back to Izuku.

"No it was okay. So you're that kid turned vigilante who...kills?" She asked.

"Correct." Izuku said cautiously.

"So your like me. End justify the means kinda person."

"If you believe so. Are you not uncomfortable about it?" He asked.

"No not really. I'm surprised you're not uncomfortable around me. I'm sure you've heard the rumours."

"Ah yes. Dated 100 guys within one school year. Slept with must. A slut. Skank. Etc. I've heard it before." Izuku listed. Lena-Jade looked down.

"Which doesn't mean I believe it." Izuku continued. Lena-Jade looked up at him.

"If you ask me rumors are rumors. It what's here that counts. And I see heart of a hero. There's a video online. You took down 15 gang members thanks to your quirk. Then you shielded a little boy from a bullet. Etc. LJ, you are a hero. Don't forget that." Izuku elaborated.

Lena-Jade began tearing up a bit.

"So. Ya like jazz?" Izuku randomly asked. Lena-Jade smiled, dried her tears and went to sit infront of him.

"Yeah but I'm more into dubstep. What about her. What music does she like." Though Lena-Jade had an emotionless voice her words had meaning to them which could be heard.

"Western Country." Izuku answered.

"Why doesn't she speak."

"Trauma. And Tradition. We speak through her quirk. Telepathy." Izuku explained.

"Can I get a connection? If you don't mind." She asked.

"Nezuko? Are you okay with that?" Izuku questioned the 8 year old. She nodded happily. Nezuko stated at Lena-Jade with her piecing pink eyes. The process began.

Izuku decided to take a peek at her memories. As he searched he found one. It was her. Slicing her hand. Over... A break up. Her boyfriend had cheated on her with multiple girls for months. Then he discarded her like nothing.

When the connection was established izuku grabbed her by the arm and pulled down the sleeve of her sweater.

"I saw your memories. A saw Travis Cloud. I felt your pain. Your anguish. Your fear of what comes next." Izuku said.

"It's just that. It was my only way to escape the pain."

"By giving yourself more pain?"

"Look I'm sorry."

"I can help."


"Yeah but first gimme the Balisongs." Izuku ordered

She took the knives from her pocket and gave it to him

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She took the knives from her pocket and gave it to him.

"Good. Wanna take a walk with us." He offered.

"Sure. I got nothing better to do."

The three of them then exited the class room. Izuku got funny looks as he strolled down the hall. Well he did have a scythe strapped to his back, a child holding his hand and a girl, Lena Jade in fact waking with him. Lena-Jade was notorious for being... antisocial. She didn't trust anyone but now she has trust in Izuku. He respects her privacy which is all she wanted. Usual she's gets 'but we're your classmates', or 'please just tell us. Ittle be a secret'.

Secrets given to a fool are meant to be spoken©. (I COPYRIGHT THAT PREVIOUS LINE. COPYRIGHT ARC655©).And Izuku was no fool.

They wondered their wat over to Mei's personal workshop.

"Mei, Toph. Where you at?"

He looked to see Toph eating lunch and pointing to a sleeping Mei. He understood that Toph didn't have the body strength to lift her by herself.

Izuku went over and picked up his sister and carried her to rest on the couch.

"Dad? Who's that?" Asked Toph pointing to Lena.

"My only friend so far. Lena-Jade Malcolm." Izuku said happily.



The bell rung and Mei awoke to its sound.

"Time for class. Come on Toph!" She said with excitement.

"Coming Auntie. Bye dad. See you later Nezuko. Oh and have a good one Ms. Malcolm." She waved and was dragged of by her aunt.

"Time for class to begin. We should head back." Lena-Jade pointed out

"Okay" agreed

Words 1330

Posted 4/9/2020

(Completed)Out Of Sight Out Of MindWhere stories live. Discover now