Chapter 35

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Four days later, a grand celebration was held at Castle Briarbeth in the morning. Colorful banners were raised, music filled the skies, and mages from Pelagia flew through the air. The sun shined brightly, and there was barely a cloud up in the sky.

The throne room was packed. Waiting beside the red carpet were Carolin, Ixis, Lady Venetia, Lord Ernest, Serra, Elaine, Wynd, The Merchant, alongside many nobles, knights, and mages.

Erion, Tikana, Magon, Norder, Huffey, and Frostine walked down the carpet leading to the throne. The crowd cheered in honor of the kingdom's new heroes. The company walked up and stood beside the king.

"These past few months have been filled with turmoil, upheaval and violence," Explained the king. "We've lost many citizens of this kingdom, heroes and commoners alike, including the famous Sir Thomas. But thanks to these six heroes, we are no longer in danger. These brave, strong, mighty heroes defeated the orcs and saved our kingdom. Forever, they will go down in Briarbeth's history!"

The company shouted and cheered in honor. Erion looked in the crowd, and noticed his mother and Carolin crying, Serra jumping in the air, and Ixis smiling.

"However, one particular hero has made a profound impact on the lives of several people, and I've heard tell that he finished off the beast that was controlling our enemies. His name is Erion Xilar. I remember the very day he approached my throne, and I immediately recognized the potential he had as a hero. Since then, he and his allies have been through many arduous trails, and they managed to make it through each and every one of them. Now, give a round of applause, for I will let this young elf say a few words."

The crowd cheered again, as Erion stepped forward.

"Hi. This is my first time making a speech in front of a large crowd, so I hope I do a good job. But ever since I was young, I've always wanted to become a great adventurer." Erion explained. "Many other elves made fun of me for this dream, but Rith, the late Lord of the Elves, believed in me. When I became old enough, I finally left the forest, and thus my adventure began. I've been through many adventures, such as escaping from Deadeye's mountain and exploring a dismal swamp. I met many people, such as cheerful mages, helpful villagers, and of course, my friends. I even fell in love! I did face many hardships as well, especially the deaths of Sir Thomas and my dear guardian, Rith. Even I managed to mess up a few times myself. But through it all, I managed to make it to the end and defeat the orcs, and it's all thanks to you. Without you, I wouldn't have been able to make it this far." Looking at his allies, and back at the crowd, he continued: "Thank you, my friends, for everything!"

The crowd clapped, cheered, and shouted in joy. People threw their hats into the air.

Erion looked at his allies, they all surrounded Erion. Magon's eyes were filled with tears. "Well done, hero!" He said, hugging Erion.

"What a brave laddie indeed!" Exclaimed Huffey.

"We totally showed those orcs who's boss!" Exclaimed Tikana.

Norder smiled. "Great job!"

"See, my readings are always correct!" Said Frostine.

Suddenly, Carolin ran up to Erion and tightly embraced him. "Erion!" She exclaimed, with tears in her eyes. "I knew you'd make it back alive!"

Erion hugged her back. "When I fought out there, I fought for the sake of all of you." Explained Erion. "Especially you." He said, smiling.

"Oh, Erion!" The two hugged tightly and kissed each other.

Soon, all of Erion's other friends walked toward him.

"Free cheers for Erion!" Cheered Serra, excitedly.

The Path of the Adventurerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें