Chapter 23

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 The party had just finished their second task in the coastal town of Pelagia, which was to defeat an invincible bear known by the townsfolk as Shipwrecker. During their mission, Erion was introduced to an eccentric young witch named Serra, whom he quickly became friends with. At Pelagia's renowned mage academy, Erion met many mages of his age who were happy to make his acquaintance. With Serra's help, Erion was able to mix a deadly mushroom with a salmon - the perfect bait to lure in Shipwrecker. When Erion entered combat with Shipwrecker, he threw the fish, and Shipwrecker quickly gobbled it up. The necrotic nature of the fish rapidly concentrated, bringing Shipwrecker to his death.

Now, the company had returned to their camping area, which was in a glade in a small wood; immediately after they had finished their task. When nighttime came, Huffey stood out in the wilderness by himself, away from the camp. The gloomy clouds above obscured the stars.

"Vocate, perfectum, omnipotentem, vel avium!" He shouted, holding his holy wand in front of him. The wind howled loudly as he spoke the incantation. "That'll do. She'll likely be here by tomorrow morning."

Dull rainy weather reigned the next day. A while after teatime, the company sat around their campfire in a vale, which was only creating smoke due to the rain quickly dousing the fire. Unfortunately, the trees could not prevent the raindrops from falling onto the party. The vale was close to the coast.

"Weather like this..." Huffey groaned as he ate a plate of his rations.

"I know," Tikana sighed. "Such a drag, isn't it?"

"A calm morning without a single orc in sight is wonderful, is it not?" Magon said, despite the cloudy sky and the rain.

"Not in this miserable rain," Tikana replied. She pulled her bedroll over her head, but this did not help still.

"We've encountered weather like this before in our travels," Norder said. "Don't let this slow you down."

"Slow me down?" Tikana said, taking the damp bedroll off her head. "I've been lost in a swamp AND held in a tyrant king's prison. I'm already 'slowed down'."

"Does anyone have a spell for protecting us from this rain?" Erion asked.

"Unfortunately not..." Huffey frowned.

Tikana groaned.

Meanwhile, Erion took a bite out of a red apple. He had an outstanding view of the ocean. His mind filled with wonder about what could be out there. There could be races or creatures that Briarbeth never saw, beyond humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, goblins, drow, and dragons. He heard legends of creatures such as seafaring halflings and terrifying vampires. Erion could only wonder, looking far into the seemingly endless ocean.

Eventually, the giant thrush Wynd descended from the high skies, onto the branch of a tree near the camp. "Greetings!" She said.

"Hi, Wynd!" Erion beamed.

"It's lovely to see you all together in one piece. Hopefully, that monster didn't bruise you up too bad." To her dismay, the branch cracked, sending her falling to the ground, landing roughly on her bottom with a large thump.

"WYND!" Shouted Magon.

"Oh, my!" Chuckled Wynd. "Sometimes I forget my own weight! Let alone the fact that I can shrink!"

"Do you have our third quest?" Inquired Norder.

"Yes, and your fourth." Ixis replied, getting back up on her talons.

"So you've brought two tasks with you, is that it?"

"Exactly. Gather around," She said. "For I will introduce your last two quests, which will take you outside of the kingdom. One of them is in the southwestern desert, the other is up north in the Ymir Mountains."

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