Chapter 27

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Yggdrasil was a temple built in the likeness of an oak tree. The gravitational pull led straight through the bottom of the trunk, leading high up to the central room of the temple. The branches were made out of ivory, and the leaves were wrought from emerald.

The company shot straight out of the anti-gravity field and landed roughly onto the ground.

"Oof!" Erion grunted as he hit the ground. Moaning in pain, he got up and looked around him. He was standing in the middle of an emerald paradise. Emeralds were embedded into the ivory walls, and the floor was like a mirror. The walls were lit up with faerie-lanterns. The rooms stretched out like branches on an actual tree. There was only one way that a structure like this could ever be constructed - pure magic.

"It's more beautiful than I thought!" Erion beamed.

"No dwarven creation will ever amount to this." Huffey said in wonder. "Hopefully Bhalthran never finds out."

"It's like an emerald heaven!" Frostine said. "And now somebody puked on its floors."

Tikana threw up the last of what she had. "THAT... WAS... SCARY!!" Exclaimed. Tikana nauseously.

Magon walked up to the pile of vomit. "Magia!" He said, holding his hand out. The magic quickly cleaned the emerald floor. "Is that all, Tikana?"

"I-I think so..." Tikana moaned.

"We need to find Wynd immediately." Norder said. "If we're going to fight Thazardan, we need to get to him as quickly as possible. We can stare at the architecture later."

"Right." Replied Erion, putting his touque in his coat pocket. "Come on, guys!"

The company headed straight to the left and found a room with an open window. Surprisingly, it still wasn't cold. Inside of the room was a few beds, a desk, and Wynd.

"Erion and company, it makes me so glad to see that you've made it here alive." Said the giant bird, who was shrunken down to fit in the room.

"Wynd, meet Frostine." Said Erion. "She decided to help us out on our adventure. She uses all sorts of magical inventions to help us out!"

Frostine waved. "Hi!"

"A new member of your fellowship?" Observed Wynd. "Hmm, Ixis never said anything about adding more members to your traveling party, but since I know her so well, I doubt she'll mind it."

"That's good to hear. I was kinda worried about what she'd think." Said Erion, sitting down on the bed.

"So why do you want to speak to us?" Asked Magon.

"First, I came here because the key to restoring my previous form lies inside the Command Room on the second floor, which also happens to be Thazardan's location." Said Ixis. "If you find it, you'll be able to transform me back into an elf. Just say the word 'Atharachadah' and I'll be back to normal."

"We get to change you back?" Asked Erion. "That's a relief. I finally get to see what you look like as an elf."

"Yes. Despite my newfound powers, I miss the days of being a regular elf and living in peace." Replied Wynd. "Second, Thazardan's skill in battle has increased dramatically. So you'd better do your best in order to defeat him. Rest assured, there are no orcs in this building but him. But seeing how you have some wounds, you'd best heal up."

"Good idea." Huffey said. "Time to put the ol' magic to use!"

"I'm not sure, Huffey." Said Erion. "Maybe we should save that for the battle. In the meantime, I have a better idea." Erion looked at Frostine. "You said you have High Potions, right?"

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