Chapter 34

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The following morning, the company flew back to Castle Briarbeth to retrieve their weapons and armor. Aldrir and Wynd dropped them off by the balcony where Erion and Carolin had kissed, where they immediately went to the armory. After the company equipped their armor and weapons, Huffey mended their clothing with the Rescario managrasp and the soldiers equipped Aldrir and Wynd with saddles. Soon, they were finally ready to set off.

"Good luck, you six. May you restore peace to this kingdom!" Said King Lionel, standing by the rails of the balcony accompanied by Lord Ernest, Lady Venetia, and Serra.

The company flew off.

Wynd (in her bird form) and Aldrir flew swiftly through the bright and sunny skies. Wynd carried Erion and Magon, while Aldrir carried Frostine, Tikana, Huffey and Norder. They flew below and above the clouds and saw many hills, forests, and lakes from down below.

"This is fun, mom!!" Exclaimed Erion.

"Isn't it?" Replied Wynd.

Mounted on Aldrir, Tikana covered her mouth. "I'm going to hurl!"

"Okay. No puking on the dragon!" Said Aldrir.

"Tikana, lass! It would seem like your motion sickness is going away!" Exclaimed Huffey.


"You're riding on a dragon, yet you're not becoming one! What could this mean?"

"He's right, you know." Said Norder, with a smile.

"I still feel pretty nauseous, though!" Replied Tikana.

"Thank goodness! When you were sick last time, you almost made me sick!" Stated Frostine.

"Are you prepared for the final battle, Erion?" Asked Magon.

"...Yes." Replied Erion.

Magon chuckled. "You make me so proud, Erion."

"Well, you make me even more proud, Erion." Wynd replied. "Why? I'm your mother, for goodness' sake!"

"Thanks, mom. The same goes for you, Magon."


A few days later, the company flew through a wasteland with blanketed by thunderclouds and lightning.

"I can't believe it. We're here." Said Erion.

"Who else is more afraid of getting struck by lightning more than Diablon himself?" Asked Tikana.

"Just for that, I've prepared this spell." Huffey took out his wand. "Intengrum Obex!" A white ball of mana surrounded both Wynd and Aldrir. "There. That should do the trick."

"Thanks." Said Tikana.

"Can the orcs see us?" Asked Erion.

"Oh, yes." Said Wynd. "But their arrows cannot reach us, nor will they reach their tower before us. But we should still be careful!"

Eventually, after a few hours, they came across a tall, menacing black tower upon a tall mountain, surrounded by thunder and lighting. Orcs with heavy armor and intimidating axes were marching down from its heavily guarded main entrance.

"We're gonna have a hard time getting through here..." Groaned Erion. "It's either we search for an opening or we burst through the gates."

"As strong as we are, we shouldn't burst through the gates and start a battle. That would still be unwise." Said Magon.

"He's right! According to my glasses, we've come across over nine-thousand orcs in this wasteland so far." Observed Frostine.

"Do your glasses have the ability to find secret gates and entrances?" Inquired Norder.

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